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 Smackdown! A broken home

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bazz23-v2 ®™
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PostSubject: Smackdown! A broken home   Smackdown! A broken home EmptySat Jul 19, 2008 1:51 pm

So finally there was some build up between HHH and edge.

Im sure one or two of us called the "edge cheats but on camera" card as a way of the wedding turning sour, But most of the talk was, who will interupt it? which turned out to be no one, as the wedding was earlier in the day.

But the reception was on smackdown and allowed for some storyline progression.

Now it wasnt the greatest smackdown of all time, for wrestling but somtimes people have to realise, if you want storylines, you cant just have 6 pure wrestling matches.

I thought the beging was ok and set up the tag match at GAB very well. Edge got to gain heat all night too, to make sure the crowd knew to boo him for cheating and what better way than to attack the hardys in north carolina.

best match of the night was probably umaga battering kennedy, but kennedy was booked strong for the match in a "spirit" way, so the coms could say how he stood toe to toe with the beast and didnt give up. Also hes begining to work the crowd properly, i mean how loud was their MMMRRRRRRRRRRR KENNNNEDYYYYYY ? it was like a proper crowd for once.

one other thing id like to mention - Kendrick, im liking this new persona already, the comentators have set it up well saying how backstage he was always a prick and he wasnt himself in londrick.
he walks to the ring in a fancy coat, with rycklon dressed like some retired drug dealer. Looking all cocky and up himself. He looks like a right dick too, so this charactor could suit him well if he gets to speak and all. And hes being compared to an attitude era HBK by the coms. But yes, i think its a fresh heel idea. He may not cheat as much to win but be proper up himself when he wins and moans when he doesnt (or sets rycklon on them) and wwe having the little guy wrestle n the big guy stand there, well done wwe. Should havwe been that way with V and striker and burke and turkay right off.

your thoughts on anything smackdown related?
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Wrestling God
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PostSubject: Re: Smackdown! A broken home   Smackdown! A broken home EmptySat Jul 19, 2008 1:54 pm

Good and Bad smackdown some would say mixed feelings i mean there were signs of good stuff

The Wedding

Bad stuff such as

MVP bieng wasted in a pointless 4on 1 handicap match instead of continuing to rival with Kennedy
Having the Reception throught smackdown
Mathces bieng quick
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PostSubject: Re: Smackdown! A broken home   Smackdown! A broken home EmptySat Jul 19, 2008 1:56 pm

i thought having edge and vickie watch over the entire thing was a good thing. It annoyed people so Very Happy

I liked the end to the handicap match, was a bit silly to have but it was a proper onslaught of show.

MVP needs pushing though to get him some desire and willingness to work hard
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Wrestling God
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PostSubject: Re: Smackdown! A broken home   Smackdown! A broken home EmptySat Jul 19, 2008 2:31 pm

I thought the Kennedy Umaga match was a good match and Kennedy looked good in the ring for a change!

The Brian Kendrick angle is interesting, many have called Jericho and Morrison the younger versions of Shawn Michaels in the past but these guys are at a stage where they don't need Michaels name to get over, Kendrick on the other hand does!

I wish Foley and JR would get there facts right though before spouting off!

Michaels was the cocky heel who wore the white leather jacket and had a big ugly bodyguard between 1992-95 and the attitude era did not really kick in until 1997 when Michaels was at face, although he did revert back to a heel(ish) tweener in DX

Shawn Michaels was not around for much of the attitude era
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PostSubject: Re: Smackdown! A broken home   Smackdown! A broken home EmptySat Jul 19, 2008 2:32 pm

Also that jacket looks ridiculous on Kendrick, its far to big for him!

He would be better with a smaller black leather jacket to go with his black trunks and boots and knee pads
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bazz23-v2 ®™
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Smackdown! A broken home Empty
PostSubject: Re: Smackdown! A broken home   Smackdown! A broken home EmptySat Jul 19, 2008 3:20 pm

Sexton_hardcastle wrote:
So finally there was some build up between HHH and edge.

To little to late, this should be one of the biggest fueds of the yesr and it just looks thrown together and baddly planned(or not as the case maybe)

Sexton_hardcastle wrote:
- Kendrick..... And hes being compared to an attitude era HBK by the coms.

Yeah but only by Mick "the dick Foley.........and he's wrong seen as though HBK didn't play that character in the Attitude era.
EDIT: what gaffer said

I was enjoying smackdown right up until that from the vault thing, it just kills any momentum the show has IMO.
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Wrestling God
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PostSubject: Re: Smackdown! A broken home   Smackdown! A broken home EmptySat Jul 19, 2008 3:27 pm

SMACKDOWN was kinda spooky

Edge was getting blamed for something he hadn't yet done

the date on the camera was the 17th, TWO days before he sees it

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Smackdown! A broken home Empty
PostSubject: Re: Smackdown! A broken home   Smackdown! A broken home EmptySat Jul 19, 2008 6:57 pm

the-gaffer wrote:
SMACKDOWN was kinda spooky

Edge was getting blamed for something he hadn't yet done

the date on the camera was the 17th, TWO days before he sees it


i loved how the hidden camera would zoom in and out, made me wonder if HHH was hiding behind a plant or something recording it.
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Smackdown! A broken home Empty
PostSubject: Re: Smackdown! A broken home   Smackdown! A broken home EmptySat Jul 19, 2008 7:51 pm

bazz23-v2 ®™ wrote:
Sexton_hardcastle wrote:
So finally there was some build up between HHH and edge.

To little to late, this should be one of the biggest fueds of the yesr and it just looks thrown together and baddly planned(or not as the case maybe)

aye, it is a bit weird how there has been one thing. But im guessing edge will be a tad mad on sunday at HHH at exposing his cheating ways, so could generate a good story within match. And depending how much HHH is on tv over the next few weeks then that rivalry could then become a big one, just happens there is a title match at the start of it.
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Wrestling God
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PostSubject: Re: Smackdown! A broken home   Smackdown! A broken home EmptySat Jul 19, 2008 7:54 pm

Broken Stones

What a song
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PostSubject: Re: Smackdown! A broken home   Smackdown! A broken home EmptySat Jul 19, 2008 8:24 pm

Doomhammer wrote:
the-gaffer wrote:
SMACKDOWN was kinda spooky

Edge was getting blamed for something he hadn't yet done

the date on the camera was the 17th, TWO days before he sees it


i loved how the hidden camera would zoom in and out, made me wonder if HHH was hiding behind a plant or something recording it.

Yea I was imagining Trips standing there with his best 'be still I'm a statue' pose to try and not be recognised!
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Smackdown! A broken home Empty
PostSubject: Re: Smackdown! A broken home   Smackdown! A broken home EmptySat Jul 19, 2008 8:34 pm

Good job they happened to do the dirty on the sofa lol. Tough luck if they went somewhere strange like a bedroom. One thing about the whole wedding though, the marks are gonna be mad about that. I can hear their Vicky protests already.

HHH needs to turn heel, badly. I think his face work is bordering appalling. He's a really really bland character when he's a nice fella. I don't think he can pull off a tweener role either but something has to change with him.
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PostSubject: Re: Smackdown! A broken home   Smackdown! A broken home EmptySat Jul 19, 2008 8:43 pm

could start off by pedigreeing his newest kid.

How are the fans gonna react to vickie now though, they hate her so bad, but its her thats been betrayed, i expect edge to turn even more heel somehow soon maybe to help with that?
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Smackdown! A broken home Empty
PostSubject: Re: Smackdown! A broken home   Smackdown! A broken home EmptySat Jul 19, 2008 8:48 pm

Yeah, it's quite weird the whole Vickie and Edge thing. Cheating on Vickie didn't make anyone feel sorry for her and didn't make them like Edge either so what did it accomplish? You can't really have these two heel characters going against each other for too long. Vickie is gonna need a new man too. Undertaker anyone?
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PostSubject: Re: Smackdown! A broken home   Smackdown! A broken home EmptySat Jul 19, 2008 8:50 pm

HA no

he cant be seen to have feelings or anything wouldnt make sense.

plus, his wifes name tatoo would be a problem maybe.


with the shite card though, dont see how he cant make an appearance tomoro night
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Smackdown! A broken home Empty
PostSubject: Re: Smackdown! A broken home   Smackdown! A broken home EmptySat Jul 19, 2008 8:55 pm

Nah, probably not tomorrow but I reckon they could have some sort of alliance. They're both after Edge. Maybe Edge Vs Mystery man at some point. Taker wont be giving Vickie one but they could just be chums. I reckon it could make sense if done correctly. Be Taker's ticket back into WWE.
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PostSubject: Re: Smackdown! A broken home   Smackdown! A broken home EmptySat Jul 19, 2008 8:59 pm

i reckon shel still be pissed off so shel let him back in to fuck over edge 2morow lol.

ala edge wins,. dq init.
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PostSubject: Re: Smackdown! A broken home   Smackdown! A broken home EmptySat Jul 19, 2008 9:02 pm

That wouldn't work, Vickie is so hated it would turn Taker heel to align himself with her and push Edge face, which no one wants
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PostSubject: Re: Smackdown! A broken home   Smackdown! A broken home EmptySat Jul 19, 2008 9:03 pm

Onto the Triple H character, I agree his best work is as heel but I think he is a good face IF he is an angry face!

He needs to get back to telling people what he is all about, this comedy character is boring, like Michaels when he does his comedy character to!
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PostSubject: Re: Smackdown! A broken home   Smackdown! A broken home EmptySat Jul 19, 2008 9:05 pm

but sending him back to destroy him out of spite and anger is perfectly workable.

it was her call to let him go, could easily set him on the fecker like
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PostSubject: Re: Smackdown! A broken home   Smackdown! A broken home EmptySat Jul 19, 2008 9:09 pm

So why would Taker do Vickie any favours then?

Remember it was her who 'sanctioned the match and made the stipulations' Edge only done his job
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PostSubject: Re: Smackdown! A broken home   Smackdown! A broken home EmptySat Jul 19, 2008 9:12 pm

vickie signs his contract and says do what you like to edge.

got a feeling he would do.

just a possible in anyway, its not been that long since he left. Be a bit boring if he came back now when no new rivalry is in yet
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PostSubject: Re: Smackdown! A broken home   Smackdown! A broken home EmptySat Jul 19, 2008 9:24 pm

Very boring, I don't want him back until Survivor Series
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Smackdown! A broken home Empty
PostSubject: Re: Smackdown! A broken home   Smackdown! A broken home EmptySat Jul 19, 2008 10:23 pm

I don't wanna see taker return to Smackdown, id be happy with him to return to RAW
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PostSubject: Re: Smackdown! A broken home   Smackdown! A broken home EmptySat Jul 19, 2008 10:31 pm

i think raw should have most of the already big stars then it can claim to be the a show becuase of that, but then smackdown could become more the wrestling show, which it is supposed to be.

with 2 of the biggest names and others there to prove themselves
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