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Smackdown. Empty
PostSubject: Smackdown.   Smackdown. EmptySun Aug 10, 2008 2:14 pm

Cant see a thread, too hungover to write an in depth one yet. but we should be discussing how good a show it was right?

seemed immense
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Smackdown. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Smackdown.   Smackdown. EmptySun Aug 10, 2008 5:27 pm

It was pretty good like, best Smackdown for ages.

Looked like it was going to be pure shite at first with that pathetic divas thing but then Hardy & Benjamin. Top quality match, they work proper well together in the ring. This just shows how good Smackdown can be if they don't fanny around too much with squashes.

Thought the HHH/Khali segment was OK(ish), made HHH look a bit weak considering he's gonna beat Khali. Don't give enough of a shit about this to care.

Kozlov and Jesse (random lol) was just a squash. Moore and Jimmy Wang against the Edgeheads was a decent match IMO. Knew who was gonna win (will Jimmy ever win...) but it was a good, pacey tag match.

And as for the Edge & Vickie shizzle they really aren't making it clear who's the heel. Edge was doing nasty stuff but people hate Vickie enough to like what Edge's doing. Listen to the crowd at the end, they dunno who to boo for. And god knows what Taker's gonna be, hopefully a heel, he's fairly shit otherwise. Would of been better to have the lights go out then Edge knock shit out of Chavo lol.

Anyway, top show IMO, I reckon it was better than Raw this week
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Smackdown. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Smackdown.   Smackdown. EmptySun Aug 10, 2008 5:58 pm

suprised how long the benjamin match was, missed finisher Then adverts, then another long section. Best smackdown match for ages. really was good. both guys looked really top. Reminded me of the old days.

The tag match was brilliant too, for 2 teams that dont appear to do much ever. Major brothers are settling into things well i think and really are benifitting from being around the main event scene, good way to teach them the ropes IMO, good exposure.

few squashes still, but they seemed more interesting i.e set up a fued between kozlov and festus, could be really good, 2 big guys who can put on decent matches.

didnt watch all of the HHH segment, knew hed make some shit jokes etc.

edge an the roses was a good storyline within the show. Edge is really turning psycho now, which IMO is genius. really does it well. (you think you know him) Very Happy (you will never know him)
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Smackdown. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Smackdown.   Smackdown. EmptySun Aug 10, 2008 7:04 pm

Didn't like that Hardy match, getting really sick of his jobbing out, but still picking up the win, it's been played to death. Anyway here's my take, fresh off the press!

Match 1. 6 Diva tag team sporting atire gimmick match.
Maryse (in a tennis get up), Victoria (gymnast) and Natalya (horse rider?) vs. Michelle McCool (Voley ball), Cherry (boxer) and Maria (skier) ((This is going to be fucking exciting Rolling Eyes ))

Start's off pretty technical with Natalya and McCool, soon goes into a complete mess of a match, why do heel Diva's never dominate like heel men? Piss poor match end's with Natalya locking in a sharp shooter on Maria.
1/5 (poor start to SD this week)

Backstage, Ryder and Hawkings are moving barrel's away from Bam neely who look's like he's been hit with a FLT. Chavo come's over state's that he's been looking for 20 minute's for Bam (Gotta be Edge on a rampage), Chavo pick's up something (a black rose possibly?) a message innit lol. Edge on a rampage is all I can think of.

Match 2.
Hawkings and Ryder vs. Shannon Moore and Jimmy Yang (thought Moore was fired?)
Yang and Hawkings starting out, Yang and Hawkings whip each other to the rope's, nice leg sweep by Yang. Hip toss into an arm bar (it's gonna be one of those night's uh? lol). Tag's in Moore, vault's over the rope into a semi swanton. Quick tag's, Yang back in with a nice drop kick. Ryder in, straight onto Yang with a punch combo. Yang counter's a back drop into a crossbody. Hawkings back in. Started out good but Hawkings and Ryder just dont look good against these two jobber's in Yang and Moore, who even Moore looking good so far. Hawkings locked a armbar/ crossface combo. Shannon Moore in and exploding on the Tag Champ's. Cross body off the top onto Ryder. Hawkings cutting Yang off, Ryder going at Moore, Yang kicked out by the ref and thus the champ's double teamed a DDT on Moore for the win.
3/5 Was actually a decent match, even more suprised at Moore's release aftre this performance, he looked good for a change.

MVP interveiw segment. First few word's and already a great promo... And the way he looked at the interviewer as she rolled the SNME footage was class. "The biggest blockbuster of the summer starring the highest paid entertainer in the history of SmackDown vs. the most wreckless entertainer in the history of SmackDown!" Quick look at SNME. He goes on to state that he must be the only guy that can see Jeff for what he is (good direction this fued is taking, better than the easy option of taking over the Matt fued...) That it's typical to show MVP attacking Jeff but not what happened last week after his match vs. Jimmy Yang. He goes on, saying he dont have to beat Jeff and he "Is, was and alway's will be his own worse enemy, and as alway's he will beat himself. And all I gotta do is sit back and be me, and better you, be better than every one else, and be better than Jef Hardy." Cocky little fucker lol. Great job MVP.

JEFF HAAAARDAY!!! Huge pop as per... Looked bored as he made his way to the ring though.

Match 3.
Jeffrey vs. Shelton Benjamin.
Lock up to start off, ref forced to break 'em up. Jeff gain's the advantage with an arm lock, Benji back to lock up and then counter's into an head lock. Basically a mat-based match so far. Benji cracking up on Hardy in the corner, looking very aggresive. Back to the head lock from Benjamin to Hardy. hardy getting out wrestled at every point. Pele type kick knock's Benjamin outside, Hardy is decent with a ew kick's, when he uses 'em. Drop kick through the rope's and cross body over the rope's, spot monkeying it again. Hardy goes to the top again and Benjamin cut's him off by jumping to the rope, Hardy pushes him back down and goes for a swanton- and misses ( Rolling Eyes ) Tazz say's he tried throwing kosh into the wind, Id say it was more like trying to piss into the wind tbh. Benjamin dominating through out the match, typical Hardy match. Break's out into a quick brawl with Hardy getting the better. Benjamin whip's Hardy into the corner where he jump's up to it but is again cut off by Benjamin, taking his leg's out from the top of the rope. Benjamin working on the leg's with leg lock's, bar's etc. (Why do people buy into Hardy so much? He get's whooped every match, he jump's off high thing's like once every 3 month's or something, shouldn't be the big attraction that he is. Stale act imo) Boston Crab on Hardy, who grab's the rope. Hardy outside and Benjamin 'leap's' onto him, well his leg's... Larriot by Hardy, 2 count on Benji, Hardy whiped to the corner, into a whisper in the wind, another 2 count, crowd really taking this in, me, bored as fuck lol. Jaw breaker and Benji is sent to the corner realing, hesitation drop kick attempt and Benji catches Hardy into a powerslam, 2 count. Sloppy twist of Fate, up for the swanton, same old Hardy match... WAIT MVP kick's Hardy in the head for the DQ, like how the ending progressed the fued but it really was a shit match tbf.
3/5 (For the end, too long, not much action wise, same old Hardy, it did start picking up abit toward's the end though...)

Backstage Chavo and Vickie Guerrero are discussing the black rose, Chavo think's it's from 'Taker.... Hawkings come's in looking for Ryder.

Trip's to the ring. Arm wrestling contest, WHY????
Minimal effort to get abit of build up for the 'Slam I think. Ah Kahli on the mic haha, nice one. Speach highlight's: "Jibber Jabber, durka durka, big hand's, triple h" My translater's out atm... As Trip's say's it's a very good point. Trip's being funny, well trying to be. Wrist's strapped, HHH with the advantage, Khali switches it (cant beleive Im calling an arm wrestle Rolling Eyes ) Trip's almost touching the glass shard's. HHH constapatadly (that a word? Mean's he look's like he's shittest some thing nasty) bring's it back, and headbutt from Khali, HHH is down, not for long, when was the last time HHH was left fucked over by some one? Pedigree attempt, failed, head vice grip. Look's like I typed too soon... Trip's look's fooooked! Should I rate that? 2/5 very hit and miss imo. HHH musta been in a good mood to let some one go over like that.

Hawkings down, this is Edge, gotta be, another black rose...

R Truth promo...

Chavo Vickey backstage, shitting it. They say they need to find Edge.

Vladimir Koslov, with a mic. Jesse and Festus down to the ring with a ref. What a nutter Festus is haha.

Match 4.
Koslov vs. Jesse.
Koslov quickly desimates Jesse,various suplexes before Jesse switches it and connect's with a few kick's, to the top and he's met with a head butt on his way down. 3 count squash...
2/5 Koslov afterward's lurking around Festus who is calmed again.

Raw rebound...

Backstage, Chavo and Vickie, Edge as agreed to see Vickie, Chavo persuade's Vickie that it isn't bout the marriage.

Match 5.
The Brian Kendrick (that's what his name plate say's too Razz ) vs. Super Crazy
Quick promo, crowd does look pretty dead. A 'pop' for Crazy,. crowd looked dead throughout though lol. Another squash by look's. Kendrick beating on Crazy. Mr T looking on. Minimal offense from Super Crazy. Zeek distraction and the Kendrick hit's the Kendrick for the 3. Zeeky with the torture rack for a second week. Shit squash 2.5/5

Backstage again and Edge join's the previous two. Vickies still pissed. Edge say's he's got a plan... Edge leave's they follow...

All 3 to the ring... Edge grab's a mic and two chair's. Edge call's out 'Taker, say's to use his supernatural 'power's' to strike him down. An intense Edge, strolling up and down the ring, chair's in hand and give's one to Chavo, BANG! Edge hit Chavo with a chair. He's looking maniacle as ever as he deliver's a nasty con chair to to the fallen Chavo. Vickie shreiking for him to stop as he wheel's her to Chavo, walk's to the rope's, turn's round as if to think ab out what he's gonna do, tip's Vickie's chair over and goes to her in the corner and say's "What;s the matter Vickie? You look a little nervous... Is it finally dawning on you, that the person you need to worry about isn't the Undertaker?" Great energy to Edge again this week in a good finish to the show. "You wanna put me in an HITC with the Undertaker like it's some kind of punishment? Mick Foley was right, this is the Edge that need's to step in that HITC with the Undertaker" Declaring that he's "Gonna drag the Undertaker down to hell with him, Im gonnna take the whole family down to hell with me, and Vickie, Im gonna take you down to hell with me!" Great finishing promo, not as good as last week's monster show but it was good.

Il give this week's SD a generous 3.5/5, it was good, started so-so, then picked up with the 2nd match, and MVP promo, faultered abit during the Hardy/ Benjamin match, 2 back to back squashes, picked up at the end but still not as good as was expecting. I would have to say match of the night was Yang/ Moore vs. Hawkings/ Ryder, tbh ther Hardy match was just same old Hardy, benjamin looked good, not as good as last week, but Hardy's style of match is not my fave style, but I do like how the feud is progressing. Some build up for HHH/Khali at SS, not best, seemed thrown together to have SOME build up. Thought it was class that Edge was taking out La Familia one at a time, had every one guessing then taking out the last guy in the middle of the ring.
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Smackdown. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Smackdown.   Smackdown. EmptySun Aug 10, 2008 7:31 pm

honesly with the olympic's starting, i was barely watching this.

However, the olympics opening was cool as hell. Watch it if you haven't

I though edge did an outstanding job with the final promo, and his proximity to vicky made him look creepy and stalkerish.
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Smackdown. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Smackdown.   Smackdown. Empty

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