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 Creative stepping up to the plate - RAW ECW SMACKDOWN spoilers

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Creative stepping up to the plate - RAW ECW SMACKDOWN spoilers Empty
PostSubject: Creative stepping up to the plate - RAW ECW SMACKDOWN spoilers   Creative stepping up to the plate - RAW ECW SMACKDOWN spoilers EmptyWed Apr 30, 2008 4:48 pm

The past three days for me has been good all round for the WWE

Backlash had four good matches in my opinion, not wrestling classics but I dont watch the WWE for classic wrestling, just matches I enjoyed!

RAW sees a new World Champion, a champion that I believe they have wanted for a long time so we can now start to see the proper direction the show wants and needs to go, Jericho looks like he is loving every minute of this potential heel turn, Kennedy looks like he is ready for a face turn although I can see him as a tweener and since he is close to Austin I think the 'DTA' attitude will be good for him, Regal is going power crazy which could see many interesting matches lined up in the coming weeks

ECW - Everyone is talking about that this morning after the walkout from Tazz and Adamle, whens the last time it had so much Wednesday publicity, with a real star and well loved veteran as the Champion just now it could be about to reach peak viewing figures in its WWE time, Shelton Benjamin is must see TV as is John Morrison although I expect him to head to SMACKDOWN as a singles, Elijah Burke and The Miz for me along with Benjamin should all be in big feuds with Kane and each other for the ECW title at different times over the next year

SMACKDOWN - Edge is the best thing on the blue brand, Taker is the experience and now with stripping him of the title it could create a couple of very possible and potentially great ideas, KOTR style tournament, or a Gold Rush style tournament, either way if they go down either road they could find themselves creating one or possible two knew title contenders for SMACKDOWN, Batista looks like he is heading to RAW which will be good for both shows, Umaga could come this way, CM Punk seems destined for SD as well and with that MITB contract he will not be far away from the main event scene which will leave that nice and thick for a change, add the Big Show to that and you finally have a main event division worthy of a Heavyweight Title
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Creative stepping up to the plate - RAW ECW SMACKDOWN spoilers Empty
PostSubject: Re: Creative stepping up to the plate - RAW ECW SMACKDOWN spoilers   Creative stepping up to the plate - RAW ECW SMACKDOWN spoilers EmptyWed Apr 30, 2008 5:41 pm

I have posted this on 606 too, but the thread on there has got some WUMs on it, so I thought I'd post it here too...

Some good points Gaffer. I thought Backlash was okay, I thought the 4 way was a bit predictable in honesty, the match between Hardy and MVP was overdue (which was inevitable, I guess, due to injuries), but I strongly suspect they'll stretch it our for at least another PPV to decide it - hopefully Hardy will retain, and MVP can move towards the main event bracket - however, this leaves a bit of gap in the mid-card, so I'm wondering if Chavo would step in and feud with Matt.

I hope Kennedy doesn't turn face, I think it'd ruin his character. Carlito was the same, the cool heel who people liked - Kennedy could fill that role nicely, he's got the promo skills, I'm still waiting for him to have the one classic match that would establish him as a main-eventer.

ECW - is improving. I think having the title match last 12 seconds at Mania hasn't damaged the brand as much as I thought it would originally. People have now long realised that the old ECW is gone and never coming back, and it's proving a good launch pad for a few careers - I saw Kofi Kingston in Cardiff on tour a couple of weeks ago, and he's definately getting over, and is very good. Morrison has really established himself, Burke too, and as you say, having Kane as champ isn't damaging it at all. Just look at CM Punk's career (although I wonder how much of his success is 'political', Vince trying to show that being drug-free and not as ripped as others will not hinder you. A nice idea when Congress are having a very close look at your business). I have heard elsewhere that the Tazz / Adamle thing was not a storyline, that Adamle threw a strop and Taz was told to go too to try and cover it - I haven't seen it and don't know how true this is, but it's certainly got people talking about it! And for the right reasons too, rather than 'This isn't ECW!'
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Creative stepping up to the plate - RAW ECW SMACKDOWN spoilers Empty
PostSubject: Re: Creative stepping up to the plate - RAW ECW SMACKDOWN spoilers   Creative stepping up to the plate - RAW ECW SMACKDOWN spoilers EmptyWed Apr 30, 2008 5:55 pm

Im not sure if the Creative Team are getting better atm
Didnt like the ECW thing thought it was stupid especially after cuttin RAW short the day before
If Batista or Edge gets the title ill go emo
RAW being cut short was reli stupid dunno why they did it

Only positive i can see is ECW getting better and people are getting over the fact it isnt ECW. I mean theyve gotten rid of the Barbed Wire on the ECW symbol and havent seen a table ladder or barbed wire 2 by 4 in ages.!
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Marty McFry
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Creative stepping up to the plate - RAW ECW SMACKDOWN spoilers Empty
PostSubject: Re: Creative stepping up to the plate - RAW ECW SMACKDOWN spoilers   Creative stepping up to the plate - RAW ECW SMACKDOWN spoilers EmptyWed Apr 30, 2008 6:05 pm

Gaffer seeing as you dont seem to realise you have one can you check your messages on the top secret 'other' board please.
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Creative stepping up to the plate - RAW ECW SMACKDOWN spoilers Empty
PostSubject: Re: Creative stepping up to the plate - RAW ECW SMACKDOWN spoilers   Creative stepping up to the plate - RAW ECW SMACKDOWN spoilers EmptyWed Apr 30, 2008 6:15 pm

if he has n't responded to it so you should understand HE doesn't want to simple
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Creative stepping up to the plate - RAW ECW SMACKDOWN spoilers Empty
PostSubject: Re: Creative stepping up to the plate - RAW ECW SMACKDOWN spoilers   Creative stepping up to the plate - RAW ECW SMACKDOWN spoilers EmptyWed Apr 30, 2008 6:15 pm

Aside from the Jericho\HBK awards thing on RAW this week, I thought the show was piss poor, and the ending just screamed of Vince Russo style booking, as does this ECW announcers walking out thing, and the stripping of a title. Since January they seem to have been going down that dreaded Russo path, which has gradually been pissing me off more and more.

As for ECW getting better? Well I had given up any hope of it being like the real ECW after the first show of the WWE version, and had accepted it as developmental with a TV deal. I thought it was getting better with Dusty in charge, everybody seemed to at least have a purpose. Since his leaving though, I think it's gone right back downhill again, and we have Kane as champ. Kane, one of the laziest bastards in the WWE. Just seems pointless to me.
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Wrestling God
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Creative stepping up to the plate - RAW ECW SMACKDOWN spoilers Empty
PostSubject: Re: Creative stepping up to the plate - RAW ECW SMACKDOWN spoilers   Creative stepping up to the plate - RAW ECW SMACKDOWN spoilers EmptyWed Apr 30, 2008 6:44 pm

Marty McFry wrote:
Gaffer seeing as you dont seem to realise you have one can you check your messages on the top secret 'other' board please.

Got it Marty, already replied mate cheers!

Been on that one most of the day cheers!
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Creative stepping up to the plate - RAW ECW SMACKDOWN spoilers Empty
PostSubject: Re: Creative stepping up to the plate - RAW ECW SMACKDOWN spoilers   Creative stepping up to the plate - RAW ECW SMACKDOWN spoilers EmptyWed Apr 30, 2008 6:46 pm

thegunman84 wrote:
Aside from the Jericho\HBK awards thing on RAW this week, I thought the show was piss poor, and the ending just screamed of Vince Russo style booking, as does this ECW announcers walking out thing, and the stripping of a title. Since January they seem to have been going down that dreaded Russo path, which has gradually been pissing me off more and more.

As for ECW getting better? Well I had given up any hope of it being like the real ECW after the first show of the WWE version, and had accepted it as developmental with a TV deal. I thought it was getting better with Dusty in charge, everybody seemed to at least have a purpose. Since his leaving though, I think it's gone right back downhill again, and we have Kane as champ. Kane, one of the laziest bastards in the WWE. Just seems pointless to me.

I agree that Dusty Rhodes got it heading in the right direction but I dont think its suffered to badly since he left, as for Kane, I actually like him being the champ on ECW, he is a big name and has the star factor about him with the crowd and having him lead the 3rd brand just now for me gives it prestige, I must admit though that I expected a big push from Shelton Benjamin by now and I am hoping that they will be going down that road sooner rather than later
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Creative stepping up to the plate - RAW ECW SMACKDOWN spoilers Empty
PostSubject: Re: Creative stepping up to the plate - RAW ECW SMACKDOWN spoilers   Creative stepping up to the plate - RAW ECW SMACKDOWN spoilers EmptyWed Apr 30, 2008 6:46 pm

I liked the RAW thing and the whole Regal going power crazy, he's gonna make some very intresting and probably "Brutal" matches in the upcoming weeks, and im looking foward to seeing what the situation was with Adamele leaving, i doubt he would have just got up and left for no reason? Was most probably a storyline.

The Kennedy idea sounds the best for me, neither a heel or face, just the DTA attitude, he seemed to get a decent face pop on monday.

Kane has given the ECW title some more credibility for me, having a "bigger" star than most holding the title isn't a bad thing, and a Shelton, Kane feud down the line will be very watchable, i wouldn't say Kane is lazy either, he's just not as fast as he once was
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Wrestling God
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Creative stepping up to the plate - RAW ECW SMACKDOWN spoilers Empty
PostSubject: Re: Creative stepping up to the plate - RAW ECW SMACKDOWN spoilers   Creative stepping up to the plate - RAW ECW SMACKDOWN spoilers EmptyWed Apr 30, 2008 6:52 pm

I thought the RAW going off air was brilliant, I didnt for one minute think 'Ahhhhhh Russo'

I also thought the ECW walkout was very clever, simplicity can sometimes be the best way to book things, and in doing this I bet more people are talking about ECW today than have done for many a Wednesday!

As for the Title being stripped from the Undertaker, I think its yet another great move, TAKER was seen to show no remorse or sense of saftey for a fellow pro and in kayfabe could have seriously hurt him (now in reality if anyone is going to put you in a hold for too long Taker is one of the guys you would trust), I have no doubts that The Undertaker will come out of all this with the title around his waist however I believe this is a big chance for SMACKDOWN to get another couple of main event level performers onto there show which has to be a good thing in my opinion!
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Creative stepping up to the plate - RAW ECW SMACKDOWN spoilers Empty
PostSubject: Re: Creative stepping up to the plate - RAW ECW SMACKDOWN spoilers   Creative stepping up to the plate - RAW ECW SMACKDOWN spoilers EmptyWed Apr 30, 2008 7:11 pm

Different strokes for different folks I guess. It just annoyed me that in the one real match on RAW we have a non-finish, I can't stand non-finishes, and it makes me not want to watch if that's the kind of shit they're gonna pull.

An announcer walkout? OMG it's a shoot! Or at least that seems to be what they want it to seem like. Remember the awful heel J.R. stroyline, where he had his own announcers table? I think this could be headed in the same direction.

With the title on Kane, I was very disappointed as it just seems like they've gone back to the days when Big Show was champ. The last few ECW champs have at least been good workers: Morrison, Punk, Chavo, but seriously when was the last time Kane had a good match? Probably back in 2004 when he had a match with Benoit on some PPV, Vengeance maybe?

The World Title being stripped from Taker may work well, I'll give it a chance, although I do dislike titles being stripped. Hopefully things will come good, although without Michael Hayes at Smackdown's helm, it could go to shit, but I will give it a shot.
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Creative stepping up to the plate - RAW ECW SMACKDOWN spoilers Empty
PostSubject: Re: Creative stepping up to the plate - RAW ECW SMACKDOWN spoilers   Creative stepping up to the plate - RAW ECW SMACKDOWN spoilers EmptyWed Apr 30, 2008 7:31 pm

Kane might not have the same matches he did a few years ago and he is about 40lbs heavier now than he was when he entered the WWF but I still think he adds prestige to the ECW title at the moment anyway, Chavo had to drop it sooner or later and with Morrison hooked up to the tags just now and looking like he is heading for the US division on SMACKDOWN or the IC division on RAW and Punk definitely not needing it because he is after the real two titles then I think its the best option just now, Like I said, I think Benjamin hopefully will get the gold and hold it a while but for now Kane and Chavos programme has to come to an end first and I actually think its alright viewing, Chavo is great IMO a real throw back to the 80s heel type i used to hate!

I dont like titles being randomly stripped either, but I think this could work well, if they play with it the right way, I am hopeful they will, however we have plenty of different views on the business since the turn of the year though so what I would like you probably wont to much and vice versa, like you said though different strokes for different folks
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Creative stepping up to the plate - RAW ECW SMACKDOWN spoilers Empty
PostSubject: Re: Creative stepping up to the plate - RAW ECW SMACKDOWN spoilers   Creative stepping up to the plate - RAW ECW SMACKDOWN spoilers EmptyWed Apr 30, 2008 10:53 pm

I think Kane makes a great champ, I think it should have been done earlier, even just a few years ago, or even just after ECW came back.
I would love to see a face Kennedy turn, or even a thought of tweener, I think everyone is desperate to cheer for him and shout Kennedy....Kennedy! I think that's a great line and may become as big as Wooooooo! I hope for him to get into the main event very soon.
As for Taker being stripped, although I don't like this happen, I think this time it's a great idea, and maybe even a possible heel turn for Taker. He could go mad at losing it etc. but I think it's unlikely, and as I've said on a different thread, I think it could be a chance for CM Punk.
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Creative stepping up to the plate - RAW ECW SMACKDOWN spoilers Empty
PostSubject: Re: Creative stepping up to the plate - RAW ECW SMACKDOWN spoilers   Creative stepping up to the plate - RAW ECW SMACKDOWN spoilers EmptyWed Apr 30, 2008 11:12 pm

i thought he writing on ecw was pretty good last night.

when Striker added in the m'kay, i laughed pretty hard.
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Creative stepping up to the plate - RAW ECW SMACKDOWN spoilers Empty
PostSubject: Re: Creative stepping up to the plate - RAW ECW SMACKDOWN spoilers   Creative stepping up to the plate - RAW ECW SMACKDOWN spoilers EmptyThu May 01, 2008 11:13 am

Kane irritates me but is working so well because of the whole BOD vs The Edge family(Which is bull shit calling Hawkins and Ryder Edges sons!)Im expecting Kane and Taker to abduct Vickie either at or Before the Wedding in exchange for the WHC or something
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Creative stepping up to the plate - RAW ECW SMACKDOWN spoilers Empty
PostSubject: Re: Creative stepping up to the plate - RAW ECW SMACKDOWN spoilers   Creative stepping up to the plate - RAW ECW SMACKDOWN spoilers EmptyThu May 01, 2008 12:34 pm

Have I missed something?

Are the calling the Edgeheads Edges sons?
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Creative stepping up to the plate - RAW ECW SMACKDOWN spoilers Empty
PostSubject: Re: Creative stepping up to the plate - RAW ECW SMACKDOWN spoilers   Creative stepping up to the plate - RAW ECW SMACKDOWN spoilers EmptyThu May 01, 2008 12:47 pm

yes its his Nephew Chavo,His sons,Hawkins and Ryder and his cousin Bam(Larouche)And Vickie
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Creative stepping up to the plate - RAW ECW SMACKDOWN spoilers Empty
PostSubject: Re: Creative stepping up to the plate - RAW ECW SMACKDOWN spoilers   Creative stepping up to the plate - RAW ECW SMACKDOWN spoilers EmptyThu May 01, 2008 4:09 pm

Oh so your lying, I get it now
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Creative stepping up to the plate - RAW ECW SMACKDOWN spoilers Empty
PostSubject: Re: Creative stepping up to the plate - RAW ECW SMACKDOWN spoilers   Creative stepping up to the plate - RAW ECW SMACKDOWN spoilers EmptyThu May 01, 2008 4:24 pm

WTF,how am i lying thats what they were referred to on the ECW the tuesday before backlash by Kane before he got beaten down and hit with a steel chair
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Creative stepping up to the plate - RAW ECW SMACKDOWN spoilers Empty
PostSubject: Re: Creative stepping up to the plate - RAW ECW SMACKDOWN spoilers   Creative stepping up to the plate - RAW ECW SMACKDOWN spoilers EmptyThu May 01, 2008 6:05 pm

So Chavo who is around 18 years older than Edge is his nephew, and Ryder and Hawkins who are around 5 years younger than Copland are his sons and Bam and Vickie are his cousins, so he is having an incest angle then
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Creative stepping up to the plate - RAW ECW SMACKDOWN spoilers Empty
PostSubject: Re: Creative stepping up to the plate - RAW ECW SMACKDOWN spoilers   Creative stepping up to the plate - RAW ECW SMACKDOWN spoilers EmptyThu May 01, 2008 6:19 pm

Gaff wrote:
So Chavo who is around 18 years older than Edge is his nephew, and Ryder and Hawkins who are around 5 years younger than Copland are his sons and Bam and Vickie are his cousins, so he is having an incest angle then

I think when they said "family" on ECW they ment as a metaphor to highlight how they are a well oiled unit (which led to them all beating up Kane after that speech).

BTW he never said Vicky was his cousin as he only refered to Bam as his "long lost cousin who he is just getting to know".
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Creative stepping up to the plate - RAW ECW SMACKDOWN spoilers Empty
PostSubject: Re: Creative stepping up to the plate - RAW ECW SMACKDOWN spoilers   Creative stepping up to the plate - RAW ECW SMACKDOWN spoilers EmptyThu May 01, 2008 6:21 pm

I was just responding to Doss, I know what they meant with the "Family" phrase but it seems like the leprechaun was running with it!
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bazz23-v2 ®™
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Creative stepping up to the plate - RAW ECW SMACKDOWN spoilers Empty
PostSubject: Re: Creative stepping up to the plate - RAW ECW SMACKDOWN spoilers   Creative stepping up to the plate - RAW ECW SMACKDOWN spoilers EmptyThu May 01, 2008 7:08 pm

Doss you really are on another planet ain't you?? either that or your watching The Walton's by mistake. Rolling Eyes
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Creative stepping up to the plate - RAW ECW SMACKDOWN spoilers Empty
PostSubject: Re: Creative stepping up to the plate - RAW ECW SMACKDOWN spoilers   Creative stepping up to the plate - RAW ECW SMACKDOWN spoilers EmptyThu May 01, 2008 10:08 pm

what the fuck is it with all the guys with heads so far up there own arse on this site just because i make a fucking gramatical mistake does not make you a grand Fucking messiah it just makes you look more fucking stuck up and Bazz you think you can hide insults with little faces and call it a joke afterwards well its fucking obvious youre having sly digs for no reason
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bazz23-v2 ®™
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Creative stepping up to the plate - RAW ECW SMACKDOWN spoilers Empty
PostSubject: Re: Creative stepping up to the plate - RAW ECW SMACKDOWN spoilers   Creative stepping up to the plate - RAW ECW SMACKDOWN spoilers EmptyFri May 02, 2008 12:38 am

Really? what gave it away? Me saying your from another planet?? yep that's a sly dig alright. lol

you, AND ONLY YOU, could accuse me of "trying too hide" behind something, you really do, have no fucking clue. Rolling Eyes

and grammatical mistake my arse, you said they were edges sons, that's not a spelling mistake or a misplace comma, its you being..........well YOU.

EDIT: oh and incase you don't know what I mean by that, I mean tosser.
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