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 'THE' Brian Kendrick (may contain Smackdown spoilers)

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'THE' Brian Kendrick (may contain Smackdown spoilers) Empty
PostSubject: 'THE' Brian Kendrick (may contain Smackdown spoilers)   'THE' Brian Kendrick (may contain Smackdown spoilers) EmptySat Aug 02, 2008 12:55 pm

Just interestedtoi know what evryone thinks of his new character?

Honestly, I can't see it going too far. He appears to be a rip-off of John Morrison for me, he doesn't have anywhere near the amount of charisma needed to pull off the arrogant heel. His new mate, Zeke, is as green as they come - a guy that size should be able to make a backbreaker look devastating, but just seemed to jolt Stevie a couple of times, and that was about it. Even Foley and JR trying desparately to get him over by declaring what a tosser the guy is backstage really seems pretty lame. And his little speech about how he never cared for any of the fans etc etc etc, is lazy way to get heat. The other problem is, as Smackdown isn't live and crowd reactiosn tend to get added later, it's difficult to tell what the crowd actually reacted like, but for me, the whole character seems forced and blatantly crap.

I give it another month of squashes, 5 months of jobbing to Kozlov, Khali and co, then a swift 'wishing well in future endeavours', or being reunited with London for more jobbing to Cryme Tyme.
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Marty McFry
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'THE' Brian Kendrick (may contain Smackdown spoilers) Empty
PostSubject: Re: 'THE' Brian Kendrick (may contain Smackdown spoilers)   'THE' Brian Kendrick (may contain Smackdown spoilers) EmptySat Aug 02, 2008 1:16 pm

the 'THE' gimmick is a good gimmick when it's given to somone who can pull it off (Morrison, 90'S HBK) so I dont understand why they have wasted it on Kendrick and even wasted a bodyguard gimmick on him when he isn't the sort of guy they are ever going to push further than opening match act.
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'THE' Brian Kendrick (may contain Smackdown spoilers) Empty
PostSubject: Re: 'THE' Brian Kendrick (may contain Smackdown spoilers)   'THE' Brian Kendrick (may contain Smackdown spoilers) EmptySat Aug 02, 2008 2:43 pm

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Wrestling God
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'THE' Brian Kendrick (may contain Smackdown spoilers) Empty
PostSubject: Re: 'THE' Brian Kendrick (may contain Smackdown spoilers)   'THE' Brian Kendrick (may contain Smackdown spoilers) EmptySat Aug 02, 2008 3:24 pm

Marty McFry wrote:
the 'THE' gimmick is a good gimmick when it's given to somone who can pull it off (Morrison, 90'S HBK) so I dont understand why they have wasted it on Kendrick and even wasted a bodyguard gimmick on him when he isn't the sort of guy they are ever going to push further than opening match act.

Ahhhhhh gotcha
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Wrestling God
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'THE' Brian Kendrick (may contain Smackdown spoilers) Empty
PostSubject: Re: 'THE' Brian Kendrick (may contain Smackdown spoilers)   'THE' Brian Kendrick (may contain Smackdown spoilers) EmptySat Aug 02, 2008 3:27 pm

Sexton_hardcastle wrote:

Don't see why you are highlighting something you wrote about a week ago Sexton

From your article you are on the positive side of things where as Grecian is looking at it from a different prospective (the sensible prospective in my opinion) so I don't see the need to be highlighting the other article

UNLESS of course you don't want the board clogged up which in that case the IRONY would be blinding teef
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'THE' Brian Kendrick (may contain Smackdown spoilers) Empty
PostSubject: Re: 'THE' Brian Kendrick (may contain Smackdown spoilers)   'THE' Brian Kendrick (may contain Smackdown spoilers) EmptySat Aug 02, 2008 3:42 pm

just showing that some people have already said what they thought on kendrick. nothing more.


its a weird one though, its like he is being bigged up for somthing meaningfull, when he probably wont do too much, due to his size.

Adding more competition for the US belt is one obvious option though, but he couldnt just do that for years and years realisticly
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Wrestling God
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'THE' Brian Kendrick (may contain Smackdown spoilers) Empty
PostSubject: Re: 'THE' Brian Kendrick (may contain Smackdown spoilers)   'THE' Brian Kendrick (may contain Smackdown spoilers) EmptySat Aug 02, 2008 4:03 pm

I think many may be overlooking the bigger picture hear.

I don't think its about Brian Kendrick at all to be honest, I think its Ezekiel (Rycklon Stephens) who is gaining the push, although granted a very slow one at that!

He is more the type that the WWE if available and workable will be more likely to use, however there have been to many big guys lately (last 6 years) who have just came in and received pushes they simply did not deserve, I think being the bodyguard to Kendrick will be the WWE's way of making Ezekiel pay his dues, I think another month on the outside will be all thats required then we will start see Ezekiel get time in the ring (with Kendrick accompanying him) and then both teaming up for a shot at the tag belts as well.

I think they will go down the HBK/Diesel rout to success, although it will be in a lot smaller scale but it will ultimately lead to the eventual big push of Ezekiel and Kendrick will either need to like it or lump it!
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'THE' Brian Kendrick (may contain Smackdown spoilers) Empty
PostSubject: Re: 'THE' Brian Kendrick (may contain Smackdown spoilers)   'THE' Brian Kendrick (may contain Smackdown spoilers) EmptySat Aug 02, 2008 4:09 pm

Unquestionnably, Ezekiel will end up with the push (I'm eerily reminded of Deacon Batista, for some reason), I just feel the repackaging of Kendrick is just a bit shit. He doesn't have the presence or charisma to pull off such a gimmick...

Personally, this kind of angle would be better suited to MVP - I'd buy him needing a bodyguard to keep 'commoners' away from him, his character needs a bit of a tweak, and a fucking big dude watching his back would certainly add something to him. Then there's the eventual tag matches (the obvious feuds with the Hardys at the moment), then the bodyguard turning on his employer, they go against each other...

It seems kinda crap using Kendrick for this.
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Wrestling God
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'THE' Brian Kendrick (may contain Smackdown spoilers) Empty
PostSubject: Re: 'THE' Brian Kendrick (may contain Smackdown spoilers)   'THE' Brian Kendrick (may contain Smackdown spoilers) EmptySat Aug 02, 2008 4:26 pm

Grecian I agree 100%, in that link Sexton posted you will see my opinion I wrote about a week ago stating that its a brilliant gimmick, however its simply being used on the wrong guy, this i sa gimmick that could and should lead to a world title or at least that division anyway, but with Kendrick weighing 185 lbs soaking wet and standing smaller than the big shows hips then its extremely unlikely it will go anywhere HOWEVER what I am saying is that Kendrick is merely being used as a pawn to get Ezekiel over while if Ezekiel was MVP's bodyguard then it would be detrimental to the progress of Ezekiel as MVP would continue to take the spotlight!

I just think the entire Kendrick gimmick should be overlooked just now because Ezekiel is the guy with the plans
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'THE' Brian Kendrick (may contain Smackdown spoilers) Empty
PostSubject: Re: 'THE' Brian Kendrick (may contain Smackdown spoilers)   'THE' Brian Kendrick (may contain Smackdown spoilers) EmptySat Aug 02, 2008 5:04 pm

if Ezekiel was MVP's bodyguard then it would be detrimental to the progress of Ezekiel as MVP would continue to take the spotlight!


Not necessarily - I'm thinking back to HBK / Diesel, in the mid 1990's. That relationship broke down, both went on the headline Mania, Diesel held the belt for a year or more. D-Von Dudley and Batista, it's kinda obvious who came out best in that story... previous runs with this angle have shown that handled correctly, the bodyguard can come out better, if used with the right star. With MVP's promo skills, I think he could push them both, until the inevitable split and showdown further down the line...
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Wrestling God
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'THE' Brian Kendrick (may contain Smackdown spoilers) Empty
PostSubject: Re: 'THE' Brian Kendrick (may contain Smackdown spoilers)   'THE' Brian Kendrick (may contain Smackdown spoilers) EmptySat Aug 02, 2008 5:15 pm

Yes but look where D-Von went after that split with Big Dave, that is not something I wish for MVP

I do agree though that it would make more sense if the MVP of the WWE had some protection which would have been more of a realistic angle to go with.

I must say though that at the time Diesel was getting way over with the fans because he had the look required at the time, I don't think Ezekiel has that same all round charisma as Big Daddy Cool did, the fans where starting to warm to him despite the fact he was a heel and assosciated with one of the best heels in the business at the time, he was adding Vinny Vegas to his Diesel character and thats why Vince and the WWE let him go through about 10 guys in the 94 Rumble which ultimately led to IC titles Tag titles and WWF title within a year!

That was a prominant rise from a guy who was very well taken to back stage and was instantly in with a guy who was considered a top draw for the company in Michaels, same with Batista, he was lined up with a guy who had been there seen it and done it many times over, maybe not as a singles but had the respect of the locker room, Kendrick on the other hand is merely a kid with no big time experience to rely on, thats why I believe his entire gimmick is for the sole purpose of getting Ezekiel over!
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Wrestling God
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'THE' Brian Kendrick (may contain Smackdown spoilers) Empty
PostSubject: Re: 'THE' Brian Kendrick (may contain Smackdown spoilers)   'THE' Brian Kendrick (may contain Smackdown spoilers) EmptySat Aug 02, 2008 9:54 pm

Kendrick isn't good on the mic at all. WWE used the lazy way of generating heat, 'I have never liked the fans' and then best up a supposed 'fan favourite.' He sounds camp and I can't wait until Ezekial finally gets a match. Kendrick bores me out of the ring and is boring me in the ring as well. Since becoming heel his in-ring work has decreased in quality IMO, but that might have been beacuse of the matches he's been in.
I think once he gets into a proper feud we'll see what he is capable of in and out of the ring. But for now; not very impressed.
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Wrestling God
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'THE' Brian Kendrick (may contain Smackdown spoilers) Empty
PostSubject: Re: 'THE' Brian Kendrick (may contain Smackdown spoilers)   'THE' Brian Kendrick (may contain Smackdown spoilers) EmptySun Aug 03, 2008 6:56 am

It matters not, what Kendrick is capable of is not a mystery well not to me anyway, its all about Ezekiel in my opinion, if the big man can do the damage then its job well done, if not then its back to the drawing board for THEEEE Bryan Kendrick
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Wrestling God
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'THE' Brian Kendrick (may contain Smackdown spoilers) Empty
PostSubject: Re: 'THE' Brian Kendrick (may contain Smackdown spoilers)   'THE' Brian Kendrick (may contain Smackdown spoilers) EmptySun Aug 03, 2008 1:24 pm

I think it does matter, if Kendrick can't get over it's likely Ezekial won't get over.
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'THE' Brian Kendrick (may contain Smackdown spoilers) Empty
PostSubject: Re: 'THE' Brian Kendrick (may contain Smackdown spoilers)   'THE' Brian Kendrick (may contain Smackdown spoilers) EmptySun Aug 03, 2008 1:51 pm

if he goes round torture racking your favorite stars, he will be over enough as a heel lol.

notice how they didnt call it a torture rack too, just fumbled abuot and ended up on elevated back breaker or somthing lol
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Wrestling God
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'THE' Brian Kendrick (may contain Smackdown spoilers) Empty
PostSubject: Re: 'THE' Brian Kendrick (may contain Smackdown spoilers)   'THE' Brian Kendrick (may contain Smackdown spoilers) EmptySun Aug 03, 2008 1:56 pm

Yeah, but if that's the way he gets over it's likely he won't be able to get very far without something else. If they can get Kendrick over Ezekial uses his momentum and then splts from him and goes futher.
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Wrestling God
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'THE' Brian Kendrick (may contain Smackdown spoilers) Empty
PostSubject: Re: 'THE' Brian Kendrick (may contain Smackdown spoilers)   'THE' Brian Kendrick (may contain Smackdown spoilers) EmptySun Aug 03, 2008 2:15 pm

Can you see it though? I cant, its a good gimmick just wasted on the wrong guy, I don't think we will be alone in seeing that either, thats why I assume the focal point will be Ezekiel
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Wrestling God
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'THE' Brian Kendrick (may contain Smackdown spoilers) Empty
PostSubject: Re: 'THE' Brian Kendrick (may contain Smackdown spoilers)   'THE' Brian Kendrick (may contain Smackdown spoilers) EmptySun Aug 03, 2008 2:16 pm

invincibleILeak wrote:
I think it does matter, if Kendrick can't get over it's likely Ezekial won't get over.

I don't agree, while Kendrick may not get over it does not mean he wont be booked to win matches, with Ezekiel he wins, without big Zeek he loses, simple
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Wrestling God
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'THE' Brian Kendrick (may contain Smackdown spoilers) Empty
PostSubject: Re: 'THE' Brian Kendrick (may contain Smackdown spoilers)   'THE' Brian Kendrick (may contain Smackdown spoilers) EmptySun Aug 03, 2008 2:27 pm

That could work.
I agree completley that it's been used on the wrong guy. They could have used it on Chris Harris or someone like that. I think WWE is being lazy in the way they are trying to get Kendrick heat, which makes me think, is WWE trying to get Ezekial in the limelight as quickly as possible.
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'THE' Brian Kendrick (may contain Smackdown spoilers) Empty
PostSubject: Re: 'THE' Brian Kendrick (may contain Smackdown spoilers)   'THE' Brian Kendrick (may contain Smackdown spoilers) EmptySun Aug 03, 2008 2:53 pm

it was canned heat though, not even a real reaction, as people booed his entrance louder than edge got booed, and the commentators didnt sound like they were talking over the natural background noise, it seemed a bit fake. So im wondering why they bothered to give the veiwers this massive reaction to kendrick. I mean surely they do it so other crowds copy it to out loud eachother, but why that much for him? unless he actually is going to get a big push, it confused me.
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Wrestling God
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'THE' Brian Kendrick (may contain Smackdown spoilers) Empty
PostSubject: Re: 'THE' Brian Kendrick (may contain Smackdown spoilers)   'THE' Brian Kendrick (may contain Smackdown spoilers) EmptySun Aug 03, 2008 3:00 pm

Maybe it's because the WWE have been criticised in the past for not pushing smaller people, so now they are going for the rushed way of pushing a smaller guy, i.e. Kendrick. By using canned heat it makes the people who watch it on TV believe he's really hated so they follow and then WWE push him. IDK.
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'THE' Brian Kendrick (may contain Smackdown spoilers) Empty
PostSubject: Re: 'THE' Brian Kendrick (may contain Smackdown spoilers)   'THE' Brian Kendrick (may contain Smackdown spoilers) EmptySun Aug 03, 2008 3:07 pm

its what it seemed like they were doing.

he may fued with hardy when mvp is done with him or somthing and get dragged onto a PPV.

but i still cant see him in a BIG match
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Wrestling God
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'THE' Brian Kendrick (may contain Smackdown spoilers) Empty
PostSubject: Re: 'THE' Brian Kendrick (may contain Smackdown spoilers)   'THE' Brian Kendrick (may contain Smackdown spoilers) EmptySun Aug 03, 2008 3:24 pm

I don't think Kendrick is in a place yet where he would be considered good enough for Hardy though

I think if they want him to have a programme and go over a name then turning Carlito face and having him go over Carlito would be a more logical option
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'THE' Brian Kendrick (may contain Smackdown spoilers) Empty
PostSubject: Re: 'THE' Brian Kendrick (may contain Smackdown spoilers)   'THE' Brian Kendrick (may contain Smackdown spoilers) Empty

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