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 Smackdown Crack (Beasty Spoilers)

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bazz23-v2 ®™
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Smackdown Crack (Beasty Spoilers) Empty
PostSubject: Smackdown Crack (Beasty Spoilers)   Smackdown Crack (Beasty Spoilers) EmptySat Jul 26, 2008 5:53 pm

No Smackdown thread yet? What's the world coming coming to?

Anyway, it was a semi-decent show IMO, but the matches were still far too short for my liking. The battle royal (in the middle of the show for some reason) was fairly short considering it was the main event and the rest were mainly squashes. We also got to see some more of Jeff's dazzling mic skills, how does he do it.

And as for Khali winning the battle royal, WTF!!! Out of the six people in that match he must be the crappest and putting him in the main event at Summerslam (arguably the biggest except Wrestlemania) is beyond mental IMO. I was hoping Khali would slowly fall into the mid card but giving him a title shot out of the blue like this seems unbelievably thick.

Then the "main event announcement", Takers coming back (with Vickie, as I predicted Smile). We have a HIAC match at Summerslam, should be a good match but doubt we'll see a classic, HIAC's been done to death. The thing is, who's face and who's heel. You can't have an evil Vickie using a friendly Taker against an evil Edge can you? Hopefully we'll see Taker be an evil cunt, the way he should be.

An interesting but fairly dull show IMO
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Smackdown Crack (Beasty Spoilers) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Smackdown Crack (Beasty Spoilers)   Smackdown Crack (Beasty Spoilers) EmptySat Jul 26, 2008 6:21 pm

Im refusing to pay for summerslam now that Khali is in the main event, i cant think for the life of me why he won that battle royal, i was fully expecting Jeff to pick up the win and continue his push on SD, hell, having Hardy winning it even tho he's shit would have been miles better than Khali.

Edge and Taker will be a good match, the cell is gonna be unneccassory, id rather it be a buried alive or something. Oh, and who else HATES Kennedy as babyface?

was an OK show, nothing special but ok...
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bazz23-v2 ®™
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bazz23-v2 ®™

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Smackdown Crack (Beasty Spoilers) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Smackdown Crack (Beasty Spoilers)   Smackdown Crack (Beasty Spoilers) EmptySat Jul 26, 2008 6:34 pm

Jericho-Holic wrote:
. Oh, and who else HATES Kennedy as babyface?

Take out the "as babyface" bit and I agree teeth

seriously, they having trying to get the cheapest of all cheep pops.

Only caught the last 40 or so Min's of smackdown, nothing much interesting for me, and thats the Rtruth. Rolling Eyes
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Smackdown Crack (Beasty Spoilers) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Smackdown Crack (Beasty Spoilers)   Smackdown Crack (Beasty Spoilers) EmptySat Jul 26, 2008 7:48 pm

Is anyone really surprised at Summerslam not looking so good? I seriously can't remember the last good one, and certainly the last 2 have been so shockingly bad, I've seen people dub it Summer-Sham. The only period where you are guaranteed a good effort these days is from the Rumble to Mania and possibly Backlash. The rest of the year they just don't seem to give a shit, resulting in an inconsistent quality of PPVs.

BTW, how did Smackdown get so bad? It was puting on the best shows back before the Hayes suspension, and have just been getting worse and worse since then.
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Smackdown Crack (Beasty Spoilers) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Smackdown Crack (Beasty Spoilers)   Smackdown Crack (Beasty Spoilers) EmptySat Jul 26, 2008 7:54 pm

It's the matches that are annoying me on Smackdown, we've seen nothing but squashes for ages, that's ridiculous. It's like decent matches are only allowed on PPV's but that's bollocks. Jimmy Wang and Benjamin could have had a cracking match yet they confined it to a pointless 3 minute squash which didn't do anything for Benjamin and put Jimmy (who I think is pretty good) down.
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Smackdown Crack (Beasty Spoilers) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Smackdown Crack (Beasty Spoilers)   Smackdown Crack (Beasty Spoilers) EmptySat Jul 26, 2008 8:28 pm

Yeah I agree, nobody gets over with a 3 minute match, and it does nothing to make viewers buy the PPV. Also if you are going to do squash matches, at least have the sense to use local jobbers instead of burying your own talent.
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Smackdown Crack (Beasty Spoilers) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Smackdown Crack (Beasty Spoilers)   Smackdown Crack (Beasty Spoilers) EmptySat Jul 26, 2008 8:47 pm

highlight was MVP putting hardy in his place. A perfect speech it was, riddled with Rtruths, almost like he may snap one day (real or kayfabe lol)

hope hardy didnt know what was going to be said to him and was told, wait it out then hit him once.
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Wrestling God
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Smackdown Crack (Beasty Spoilers) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Smackdown Crack (Beasty Spoilers)   Smackdown Crack (Beasty Spoilers) EmptySat Jul 26, 2008 9:38 pm

I thnk there were alot of people he could have picked insetad of Khali.

Kennedy, MVP, Jeff Hardy, Umaga although he has only just come even Koslov would have been a better choice.

Or if they wanted a big guy, stick in big show. At least they could have made it into something other thn making Triple H look like a superman, similar to what they did with Cena.
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Smackdown Crack (Beasty Spoilers) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Smackdown Crack (Beasty Spoilers)   Smackdown Crack (Beasty Spoilers) EmptySat Jul 26, 2008 9:43 pm

Anyone except that big moose, I can't believe that they're giving him a push again. People are really gonna get sick of him very quickly, his novelty has worn off by now and hopefully Summerslam will be his last PPV main event (although somehow i doubt it). Smackdown seemingly did well in the draft but IMO, it hasn't improved since the draft.
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Wrestling God
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Smackdown Crack (Beasty Spoilers) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Smackdown Crack (Beasty Spoilers)   Smackdown Crack (Beasty Spoilers) EmptySat Jul 26, 2008 9:52 pm

I agree, Smackdown finally gets the talent to improve and it doesn't, it slips up.
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Smackdown Crack (Beasty Spoilers) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Smackdown Crack (Beasty Spoilers)   Smackdown Crack (Beasty Spoilers) EmptySat Jul 26, 2008 10:04 pm

Hasn't exactly slipped up but it could really improve. I still say longer/better matches are the key to improving the whole show. Squashes every week are gonna lose their effect very very quickly.
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Dirty Leecher
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Smackdown Crack (Beasty Spoilers) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Smackdown Crack (Beasty Spoilers)   Smackdown Crack (Beasty Spoilers) EmptySat Jul 26, 2008 10:08 pm

I agree with Jim Ross's comments last night too, Brian Kendrick reminds me of Pillman
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Smackdown Crack (Beasty Spoilers) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Smackdown Crack (Beasty Spoilers)   Smackdown Crack (Beasty Spoilers) EmptySat Jul 26, 2008 10:17 pm

Squashes help no one. I agree about Jimmy and Shelton, the're both athletic, good in the ring and could have put a good mid-card match on, but instead it's a squash that weaken Jimmy and means Shelton doesn't get as much on-screen time.
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Smackdown Crack (Beasty Spoilers) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Smackdown Crack (Beasty Spoilers)   Smackdown Crack (Beasty Spoilers) EmptySat Jul 26, 2008 10:50 pm

Khali is at summerslam because he's indian....
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Smackdown Crack (Beasty Spoilers) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Smackdown Crack (Beasty Spoilers)   Smackdown Crack (Beasty Spoilers) EmptySat Jul 26, 2008 11:19 pm

Doomhammer wrote:
Khali is at summerslam because he's indian....

Hardly a reason to include him in the main event of a "big" PPV tho is it.

I dont understand why the WWE just dont get a talented Indian wrestler instead of a 7 ft giant who finds it hard to walk let alone wrestle!
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Smackdown Crack (Beasty Spoilers) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Smackdown Crack (Beasty Spoilers)   Smackdown Crack (Beasty Spoilers) EmptySat Jul 26, 2008 11:28 pm

Because no one would care if he was a dweeb. Like him or not, Khali as a physical specimen IS undeniably impressive. WWE obviously feel he is still impressive enough to have a WWE title match. I was hoping Edge and Trips would carry on their rivalry but that's not happening yet. And is it me or does HHH still not feel like a Smackdown superstar? To me he still seems like a bot of an outsider and hasn't really got "in" with the rest of the roster. I'm sure he will but atm he doesn't feel part of the Smackdown package.
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Smackdown Crack (Beasty Spoilers) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Smackdown Crack (Beasty Spoilers)   Smackdown Crack (Beasty Spoilers) EmptySun Jul 27, 2008 12:13 am

No one would care if he was a dweeb? *cough*hornsewoggle*cough*

Anyway i didnt say a dweeb, just a talented wrestler would be enough! or if they want a big man im sure they could find one who knows a move or two, Khali isnt that much bigger than Show and Show can wrestle.
Yes he's an impressive speciman im not denying it, but he's still shouldn't be touching main event level.

Id agree about HHH, he does seem like a sort of outsider, he doesn't have the same pressance(sp) as he did on RAW, it just seems hes on SD for about 5 mins a show
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Smackdown Crack (Beasty Spoilers) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Smackdown Crack (Beasty Spoilers)   Smackdown Crack (Beasty Spoilers) EmptySun Jul 27, 2008 12:24 am

i'm not saying thats a reason to be in the main event, but thats why he's there.

While the millions (and millions) of non indian fans won't watch summerslam for khali vs HHH, the massive number of Indian fans will, that will offset the loss of draw from non indian fans.
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Smackdown Crack (Beasty Spoilers) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Smackdown Crack (Beasty Spoilers)   Smackdown Crack (Beasty Spoilers) EmptySun Jul 27, 2008 12:27 am

Don't get me wrong, I don't think Khali should be in the main event either. I think he's mid card at his very very best. With Big Show, the novelty of him has worn off long ago and it will do with Khali eventually (I think it has now tbh) but WWE must feel they can get a bit more out of Khali before every one just gets bored of him.
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Smackdown Crack (Beasty Spoilers) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Smackdown Crack (Beasty Spoilers)   Smackdown Crack (Beasty Spoilers) EmptySun Jul 27, 2008 12:32 am

Discopants wrote:
Don't get me wrong, I don't think Khali should be in the main event either. I think he's mid card at his very very best. With Big Show, the novelty of him has worn off long ago and it will do with Khali eventually (I think it has now tbh) but WWE must feel they can get a bit more out of Khali before every one just gets bored of him.

his matches with cena weren't shit, so there is potential there, but for some reason i can't quite pin down, Indians love him.
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Smackdown Crack (Beasty Spoilers) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Smackdown Crack (Beasty Spoilers)   Smackdown Crack (Beasty Spoilers) EmptySun Jul 27, 2008 12:41 am

Maybe because he's Indian lol.
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Smackdown Crack (Beasty Spoilers) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Smackdown Crack (Beasty Spoilers)   Smackdown Crack (Beasty Spoilers) EmptySun Jul 27, 2008 12:48 am

i see what your saying, but i still think they could have chosen a better wrestler to draw fans from India, i dont know any, but im sure if you looked into it you could find an impressive indian wrestler, Khali is pure garbage. The Khali novelty wore off ages ago, sack him and bring some decent talent in Vince Smile
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Smackdown Crack (Beasty Spoilers) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Smackdown Crack (Beasty Spoilers)   Smackdown Crack (Beasty Spoilers) EmptySun Jul 27, 2008 3:02 am

Probably, but honestly, if your looking for someone for an entire race to get behind, ihe's a good choice. He's one of the strongest, tallest people in his matches, and while he never displays much wrestling prowness, he normally wins anyways, which paints him as an unstoppable force, something everyone loves to think of themselvss (or members of their race, as)
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Smackdown Crack (Beasty Spoilers) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Smackdown Crack (Beasty Spoilers)   Smackdown Crack (Beasty Spoilers) EmptySun Jul 27, 2008 7:58 am

They don't use an average sized Indian fella because there's no way he would get over in America. The Indian people would a normal Indian wrestler just the same as Khali, but the American wouldn't give a shit unless he's something special, like a big ass giant. He's a non-American wrestler who is liked by the Americans and his native country, hence why they keep using him. I still don't think this justifies using such a useless bum but that's why they're doing it.
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Smackdown Crack (Beasty Spoilers) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Smackdown Crack (Beasty Spoilers)   Smackdown Crack (Beasty Spoilers) EmptySun Jul 27, 2008 1:21 pm

somthing really scared me on smackdown, foley or jr said "he is loved in india" so basicly we non indians who like wrestling are fucked.

why do they like him though, i didnt like the brittish bulldog lol. (grantd i didnt see much of him)

if i was indian, id be fecking mad with this bullshite. Get in a talented fecking indian. and send him home to be a cop
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