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 RAW [Spoiler]

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Wrestling God
Wrestling God

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RAW [Spoiler] Empty
PostSubject: RAW [Spoiler]   RAW [Spoiler] EmptyTue Aug 19, 2008 2:24 pm

Overall Raw Reactions are that the matches was good the segments were great
but so many of the matches were pointless.Also i thought it was a weak ending to the last match.

Other Thoughts
Any one else like to of seen video footage of the parkinglo kan/mysterio incident

Im pleasead with a possible titsta/kane feud.

Unforgiven scramble match sounds good in principle however what happens if kane gets a pin but loses it before match ends.Will he go down as a offical champ?

D'lo looked out of shape

would of preffer carlitos brother to sing to smackdown to tag with the yet to debut since draft carlito

Kelly Kelly looked half decent in the ring

No reagl so this proablly means unfortuanetley end of noble feud

apparentley Hager debuted in a dark match

Cryme tyme tag belt angle could be intresting i hope they win
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Wrestling God
Wrestling God

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RAW [Spoiler] Empty
PostSubject: Re: RAW [Spoiler]   RAW [Spoiler] EmptyTue Aug 19, 2008 6:17 pm

My thoughts:

Jericho Promo

Good promo from Jericho, taking diggs at Shawn Micheals and once again you can tell this character was not made by the WWE people. I did expect and interference, not from Micheals, but from someone maybe CM Punk to come out and stick up for HBK only for HBK to screw Punk out of his title. Poor ending IMO.


Batista vs. Paul Burchill.

Burchill got a good heel reaction, this better not be a squash. It was a squash . Burchill should be getting pushed not squashed by Batista. Poor match.


Mike Admale skit.

Runs away from a 'new'guy brother of Carlito Colon for John Cena who walks away to face Batista. They shake hands, Cena gave more of a heelish comment, could see a heel turn coming up.

Katie Lea and Jillian vs. Mickie James and Kelly Kelly.

Jillian decides to start 'singing'. Kelly Kelly interupts, (Yes!). At least theres two good women's wrestlers in this match. I got bored so I spikked most of it.

Announced John Cena vs. Priceless in a handicap match (Batista interference helps Cena, Cena turns on him? Just a guess.)

JBL vs. Jamie Noble.

Could be a good long as they let Jamie do some moves:P. Nope, squash match. . Is Noble gonna have some time off? WWE going for easy heat by beating up a small face. Another poor match and this show has not been as good as the last couple.


Announcment: Blockbuster announcment from Shane and Steph next...this show just got interesting

Shane and Steph's announcement

Admale comes out, Punk vs. Jericho later tonight (should be a good match and hopefully set up a feud.) So we won't see Shane and Steph, just Admale as the mouth piece...okay...A new concept for Unforgiven for the world heavyweight championship, five superstars including Punk, will compete in a twenty miute match. Seems to be basically an iron man battle royal It's the person who has got the last pinfall or submission who wins the title, is that Russo in the back lol. Participants:
CM Punk
Kane (Okay decision, don't expect him to win.)
JBL (Can't see him winning.)
Batista (I don't want him too but I can see him winning with the way he's being booked atm.)
John Cena (As above.)
I reckon this is just another way of making Punk look strong he'll keep on losing the title and winning it back and will walk out still champion to 'cement' his place as the world champion.

2.5/5 Wasn't a paritculally good segment, it's just a new thing.

Priceless vs. Cena

Still don't understand why they aren't announced as Priceless (I'm guessing it's not their official name.) Cryme Tyme come out They steal the championships I'm just glad it isn't Cena squashing them, I belive both Rhodes and DiBase could have really good careers ahead of them. I think it's a good match, allowing DiBase and Rhodes to show off more of their skills. An okay suplex from Cena shows he could improve his move set by adding a few suplexs and maybe a couple of hip tosses etc. Typical Cena match, starts fighting back, shoulder barge things, tornado bomb, 5 knuckle shuffle and then FU, only this time it's interupted, fights them off, STFU, taps. Good match IMO, typical Cena ending but it was quite good.


Announcement: Reaction from Shawn Micheals up next.

Reaction from Shawn Micheals

Brilliant...silence Razz. Small promo, wasmn't anything special, expected a little more...


CM Punk Promo

A short but ok promo...I really want a Punk heel turn, if he can get a little bit more over and main event a PPV then he'll be ready to turn heel.


Santino Marrella vs. D'Lo Brown

I don't think it's for the title. Kofi Kingston added to the match? Nope Kofi's on commentatory, should give him a little mic time which is always good. D'Lo looks good in the ring, I don't wanna see him win the gold just yet. I think WWE are allowing Santino to look a lot better in the ring, and I think Santino is okay in it. Beth stops D'Lo hitting a frog splash and then slaps D'Lo. Crap ending to what could have been a good match.


Something to do with Kane

(How long has Kane had that music.) Alot more like his original. Quite a good promo from Kane, I think that the storyline was rushed together but hopefully by the way Kane is sounding, maybe Mysterio will come back as Kane's 'evil minion'-type character . Interupted by Batista, I guess this is going to end up with all five men in the ring or at least 4 of them, not Punk. At least Batista got chokeslamed rather than having him take out Kane.


Chris Jericho vs. CM Punk

This should be a good match. I expect Jericho will win to get heat as it's Punk's home town, maybe a DQ win to keep Punk looking strong. Still Punk is just kicking, his in-ring style is getting stale. Some good submission moves by both. Nice move from Punk, pedigree position into BackBreaker. Punk is finally being booked stronger, kicking out of a lionsault. Is it me or did that Walls of Jericho look like Jericho was trying to ahve a shit on Punk:P. For a second I thought they were going to let Punk do a Pepsi Plunge but it was a bulldog. I was half-right. Cade distracts Punk, but gets wacked by Punk after jericho pushed Punk, (could see a turn by Cade?) Codebreaker, win. Good match, neither looked weak, everyone involved profitted from it IMO.


Overall: 2.5/5. Wasn't a very good raw, only two matches weren't squashes, and none f the promos were anything special.
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RAW [Spoiler] Empty
PostSubject: Re: RAW [Spoiler]   RAW [Spoiler] EmptyWed Aug 20, 2008 12:21 am

leak you say "IMO" way to much.... very annoying IMO Razz
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RAW [Spoiler] Empty
PostSubject: Re: RAW [Spoiler]   RAW [Spoiler] EmptyWed Aug 20, 2008 12:50 am

IMO i agree
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Wrestling God
Wrestling God

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RAW [Spoiler] Empty
PostSubject: Re: RAW [Spoiler]   RAW [Spoiler] EmptyWed Aug 20, 2008 11:12 am

It's cos I write it while watching Raw so I don't notice.
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