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6WF Thread - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: 6WF Thread   6WF Thread - Page 2 EmptyMon May 05, 2008 4:25 pm

RJ: Here we go…the main event…the match that will see one of the 6WF commissioners leave this company…forever. Will it be Acer, who, despite his age, is one of the veterans of this federation, and is the man solely responsible for keeping the 6WF afloat? Or will it be River Ace, the man that Acer brought in, the man that ended Diablos career and the worst commissioner in wrestling period?

MW: It’s no question who you’re supporting?

RJ: I’m supporting the man that gave me this job, and with River in control, both our commentating careers are insecure, because he’ll bring in others who won’t tell it how it is.

MW: Damn right, I see your point now. Well before the competitors come to the ring, here is Acers road to this match…starting from that fateful day at PAIN…

*Voice of RJ: Acer looks like he’s going to attempt a Shooting Star leg or knee drop…WTF? RIVER ACE IS HERE, AND HE JUST HIT ACER WITH A SLEDGEHAMMER, RIGHT TO THE GUT!!!

Narrator: The onslaught continued until Acer could no longer get up, and he lost his Destination Elevation match against Crime Lord. He was rushed straight to hospital and put into intensive care. He suffered numerous injuries, and doctors and medical professionals predicted that he would not be able to compete on Shutdown, therefore forfeiting his match against River Ace, being fired from his job while lying in a hospital bed. River Ace scheduled a match for Acer at Lockdown, however the commissioner of Shutdown was still in hospital. On Friday the following was written on the 6WF website:

‘Acer has escaped the hospital, and hasn’t been seen since’

Narrator: He was found at the local wrestling gym with his coach and MMA star Rand Couture.

RC: Acer is doing everything he can to show us that he’s fit to fight, however he cannot pull off basic maneuvers without screaming in pain, I don’t think he’ll make it to the show on Monday.

Narrator: His coaches do not believe he’ll be ready for today, the question is…does he?*

RJ: Here comes River Ace, and boy does he look cocky and over-confident. He must think that he has got this match in the bag.

MW: Now Acers music is on. But I don’t see him, maybe Couture was ri…


MW: The fans are on their feet, they know that Acer has been to hell and back this week. He takes off his trench coat and…there’s where River will attack, those bandaged ribs.

RJ: Wearing that bandage is pretty much a target on Acers chest, and River will exploit his injury.

MW: Well, we have to hope that Acers countering ability can…well, counter Aces attacks.

*Acer slowly enters the ring, and is cut-off by Ace immediately*

RJ: Ace is stomping a mud-hole into the wounded Acer, and the ref hasn’t even rung the bell. The ref now pulls River away, and now Acer wearily gets back to his feet. I have a really bad feeling that this match will not last this long.

MW: Well, we’re gonna have to hope that Acers mental state is better than his physical state. Both men lock-up, and River throws Acer into the ropes and he just hit an elbow smash straight to the sternum, and the Shutdown Commissioner goes straight down. River, with those stomps again, now turns to the crowd…Acer with the roll-up…1…2…no, 2 and a half, River was caught unawares.

RJ: That shows you what happens when you are too cocky, I reckon if Acer was at 100% then we would have had a 3 count, but in his condition, he did well to get a 2 and a half. In fact I think he may have damaged himself even more, as he has just rolled out of the ring, clutching his ribs.

MW: River follows him, but Acer meets him with a punch to the stomach. He goes to throw him into the ring post, Ace counters and Acer goes crashing into the ring post, chest first.

RJ: Look at Ace, I told you Michael, he would attack where Acer is most vulnerable. Now he’s picking up Acer and rolls him back into the ring. Ace goes up top…and a knee drop right to the ribs. Now River is….Oh my god, he’s undoing Acers bandaging, it looks like he wants to finish not Acers 6WF career, but Acers wrestling career. He goes for a boston crab, but Acer reverses it into a Hurracanrana. He’s putting his body on the line here, because he has just hurt himself again.

MW: Well he knows that if he doesn’t risk his body, then his career ends tonight. Now Acer gets up and…oh what a DDT by the real commissioner.

RJ: What do you mean ‘real’ commissioner?

MW: He is the only real appointed commissioner, Ace just took over when he screwed Diablo out of his job. Now Acer has control of this match, he has River, throws him into the rope, goes for the Monday Night Gore….but misses. Ace looks to the crowd and points to his head, as if he had the move scouted, he turns an….


MW: Again Ace kicks out. Acer takes his time to get up, so does Ace, and what a kick by River, right to the gut of Acer. He lays him out with a clothesline River grabs Acer by the hair, takes him up for a suplex…and leaves him hanging on the ropes.

RJ: That’s not going to Acer any favours. Now River is really on the offensive. He drags Acer across to the turnbuckle, lays him across the corner. What is this mad-man going to do? He climbs the opposite turnbuckle, FROGSPLAH!!! I never thought Ace had a move like that in him.

MW: But did you see how Acer fell, he collapsed like a table. Now River goes for a cover…1…2… Acer has his foot on the rope. He survives this onslaught but how long can he last.

RJ: Ace goes for the bow and arrow submission hold, it’s basically a surfboard, and Acer is screaming in pain, will he give up? Will he give up?

MW: Folks we’re gonna have to go to a break now, but don’t leave the sofa, you don’t want to miss a thing when we get back.
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6WF Thread - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: 6WF Thread   6WF Thread - Page 2 EmptyMon May 05, 2008 4:26 pm

*Advertisement break*

MW: Welcome back.

RJ: Amazingly, Acer broke the hold, and has been on the offence since. Oh and what a suplex, it was almost a brain-buster. Acer clutches his unprotected ribs, but gets up and goes to the top, oh and he slips. River now has a chance to counter, he goes up top and…Gutbuster from the top, that’s it, he won’t kick out now, he’s screaming in agony, but for me, that’s it.

MW: I DON’T BELIEVE IT!!! He kicked out. There is life in the Monday Night Draw still. Ace picks up Acer, and Ace Crusher…you’re right RJ, Acer won’t get up now, no one has kicked out of this move ever. This count is now a formalit…HE KICKED OUT AGAIN!!! Right, I have seen everything now, a 6WF champ with an invisible friend, a bum from off the street now wrestling in the 6WF, and now someone kicking out of the Ace Crusher.

RJ: I’m just as amazed as you, but now River is incensed and he is shouting at the ref, who was making the count quite fairly and has been straight down the middle all match. River turns and jumps out of the way as Acer just inadvertently took out the referee.

MW: Oh no, Rivers got a chair, and Acer is unaware…

RJ: OH NO HE ISN’T!! What a superkick to the chair, which knocks Ace to the mat. Acer throws the foreign object out of the ring, and climbs to the top. He’s crouched, ready to fly. We all now what’s coming next.

MW: It’s one of two things. Either a shooting star knee-drop or the shooting star leg-drop…WHICH HE JUST HIT!!! He goes for the cover.

RJ: There’s no ref, the ref is out. If Acer hadn’t taken out the official, River Ace would be taking the walk of shame. Now Acer gets up pulls River up, and a sneaky low-blow by Ace…and another Ace Crusher. The ref is stirring, and River makes the cover. The ref crawls over, no not this way…no somebody stop thi...

MW: A KICK OUT!!! The refs hand almost hit the mat for a third time, but Acer found enough intestinal fortitude to get a shoulder from off the mat. Ace isn’t arguing with the referee this time, he smells bl00d in the water, and he gets Acer into a boston crab. The ref is on his feet, and once again Acer is screaming in agony again, but he’s crawling towards the ropes, he’s gonna find the safety of the ropes.

RJ: But Ace noticed this and pulls his opponent back into the middle of the ring, where he locks in the move again, this time he has it locked in tighter.

MW: But Acer again is slowly moving towards the ropes.

RJ: Very slowly, about a centimeter every few seconds.

MW: Every centimeter counts for Acer, because it means the closer Acer is to the ropes.

*The boston crab is locked in for about 3 minutes, and Acer is gradually getting to the ropes, the injuries to his back are clearly taking their toll, as Acer is really struggling to move, every muscle in his back screaming in pain*

MW: Look how close he is, he is a hand away from breaking the hold, he’s so close.



RJ: I don’t believe this, River rolls out of the ring, and looks into the pocket of his entrance jacket, he has got a cheque, and he hands it to the referee, he bought the referee. The ref sold his soul, and lost Acer his job, all for money. Both River and the ref leave the ring, while Acer tries to figure out what just happened.

MW: He turns to look up the ramp, and his knees just buckled, he has just realized that he has been screwed by River Ace.

RJ: I can’t believe this, and I can’t believe that I would ever say this…Acer, the man who kept the 6WF afloat, the man who remortgaged his house twice just so he could pay his wrestlers wages during dark times, has been fired from the 6WF. Acers eyes are welling up with tears, and he slowly leaves the ring.

MW: Shut up for a minute RJ, just listen to the crowd.

*The crowd chant: ‘We love Acer, We love Acer’, before breaking out into ‘You’ll Never Walk Alone’. Acer immediately stops in his tracks and looks around at the crowd*

MW: Soak this all in, Acer, this is a moment to savour. This crowd doesn’t care about the storylines at the moment, all they care about is giving Acer the respect and applause that he has deserved for a long, long time.

RJ: Acer, you will be remembered by the fans as a true Hero, in fact, come on Wire, get up.

*Both men stand and applaud Acer as he slowly walks up the ramp. When he gets to the top, he turns around again, visibly crying, mouthing ‘I love you’ before walking through the curtain for the very last time.*

*Acer is in the locker room, when EZ Money enters. EZ goes over to the now-fired commissioner, and consoles him.*

EZ: It’s okay, it’s okay pal.

A: I gave everything, I gave all I had, and I got screwed. I would rather had forfeited than lose that way.

EZ: Didn’t you hear the crowd? The knew you gave everything, and they respect that, in fact everybody else here knew that. Why do you think Ace paid the referee to do that job?

A: I, I don’t know.

EZ: Because he knew that you were better that him. He knew that without the referee, you would have beaten him. Doesn’t it give you a warm feeling that, even though you were in an injured state, he still feared you enough to buy his way through this match?

A: It does actually, yeah.

EZ: Okay, you better go and pack.

A: That’s a good idea.

*Acer gets up and is just about to leave the locker room, when EZ says*

EZ: Remember one thing, in twenty years time, they won’t be talking about River Ace, they will be talking about the Bonafide legend that is standing before me.

*Acer looks EZ in the eyes, but doesn’t say anything, just because if he tried to, he would cry. He nods to EZ, before exiting and walking down the corridor towards his office for the last time.*

(Guys, it saddens me that I have to leave this federation, in fact, I am heart-broken. I have written matches since the beginning of last October, and now, I write the final few words that you will hear from me in this federation. I would like to thank all of you who took part in this great federation, and also helped make great storylines. It has been an honour to be your ‘commissioner’ and I hope that River Ace will continue to run this federation with the same love and attention that I have shown over these past months. By the way River, I would like a Appreciation night, just like I did for Diablo.

Special mentions should go to KingofKingOwls, without him, there would be no 6WF, it was his brainchild. To Diablo, Hero, EZ and Nemesis the guys who helped me and made my life easier when I took over this federation, and to all the new guys who have filled very large shoes of those who have gone. These are my final words to you all, Goodbye….)
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6WF Thread - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: 6WF Thread   6WF Thread - Page 2 EmptyMon May 05, 2008 4:39 pm

shall i do a thread for this and post it again
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6WF Thread - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: 6WF Thread   6WF Thread - Page 2 EmptyMon May 05, 2008 4:50 pm

acer are you here

Last edited by realmadrid2manu on Mon May 05, 2008 4:59 pm; edited 1 time in total
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PostSubject: Re: 6WF Thread   6WF Thread - Page 2 EmptyMon May 05, 2008 4:52 pm

Finlay is fighting fit and ready to take on the world
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PostSubject: Re: 6WF Thread   6WF Thread - Page 2 EmptyMon May 05, 2008 4:58 pm

Yes please Real.
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PostSubject: Re: 6WF Thread   6WF Thread - Page 2 EmptyMon May 05, 2008 4:59 pm

Acer why you retiring,New job,Child,wife,Sacked,could not be arsed
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6WF Thread - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: 6WF Thread   6WF Thread - Page 2 EmptyMon May 05, 2008 5:27 pm

Last edited by realmadrid2manu on Mon May 05, 2008 7:00 pm; edited 1 time in total
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6WF Thread - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: 6WF Thread   6WF Thread - Page 2 EmptyMon May 05, 2008 5:48 pm

Doss, I'm away from a computer now for a long time. I have a levels which i need to revise for, plus i'm away at uni. I may be back in september, so watch this space.
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6WF Thread - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: 6WF Thread   6WF Thread - Page 2 EmptyTue May 06, 2008 7:21 pm

Someone post this over please

From Doss

Finlays music hits and he walks out

Fin:Realdude join the dang cue you think you can be a one man Rvolution well im sick of this gang warfare comebacks retirments i think its time somebody does something and ends the talk so im saying this to you

Real you can have a one man war along with those dreamers or we can team up and do it properly do it in a fashion which will say be remebred for ever and ever this aint no TAW vs 6WF this is bigger better larger this is something which will shock people to the core,this will be The Rebellion vs Rivers dynasty

what do you say
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PostSubject: Re: 6WF Thread   6WF Thread - Page 2 EmptyTue May 06, 2008 7:27 pm

thanks im off ro a while know)
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6WF Thread - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: 6WF Thread   6WF Thread - Page 2 EmptyThu May 08, 2008 1:18 pm

Congratulations guys, you have fooled this mark into believing that 6WF is real wrestling company and is an indy promotion -

So you must be doing something right.
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6WF Thread - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: 6WF Thread   6WF Thread - Page 2 EmptyThu May 08, 2008 3:55 pm

Yeah, Worthy, we are that good, that WWE have given us our own show!!!!!
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King Macca
King Macca

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6WF Thread - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: 6WF Thread   6WF Thread - Page 2 EmptyThu May 08, 2008 5:09 pm

*The lights in the arena fade to black
‘This is the new $h1t’ by Marilyn Manson reverberates throughout the arena and the crowd rise to their feet in unison.
Pyros explode down the sides of the ramp and a laser flickers through the smoke billowing around ringside.
Hero appears in the rafters and the crowd raise to roof in approval, he zips down a wire and lands in the centre of the ring, a mic in hand*

Aw did little River Ace lose his chance at the title?
How’s it feel hey punk?
See you stick Hero in dark matches, refuse him what belongs to him and Hero knows one course of action.
Hero is a one man wrecking crew, the top dog in the yard, the sheriff of this little town, hell the sneakiest backstabbing two timing double crossing gut busting fist pumping sharp shooting mo fo on the planet today.
You really think you stood a chance?
Hero has run men twice your size and certainly twice your cranium power without breaking into a sweat.
Just ask the last guy you retired what happened when he crossed Hero.

You use the phrase ‘always bet on the River’
Well Hero is the best of the best, the Royal Flush.
You’re just waiting on a deadman’s hand.

Hero will make you famous
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King Macca
King Macca

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6WF Thread - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: 6WF Thread   6WF Thread - Page 2 EmptyFri May 09, 2008 6:55 pm

Saint it's not letting me PM as I think your box is full so I've posted it here:

How about this:

*The lights in the arena fade to black
This is the New $h1t blasts out the speakers and reverberates around the arena.
Hero appears at the top of the ramp with a mic in hand*


Hero has been told to put together a brief tribute to Acer.
Now firstly no-one and Hero repeats no-one tells Hero what to do!
But Hero thought long about it and thought that the fans, Hero fans deserved to hear what Hero thought of Acer.
So roll Hero’s footage!!

*The Titantron flickers to life to show an image of Acer with RIP 2008 underneath.
It then cuts to clips of Hero beating him on top of a cage.
Attacking him with a broom in a hospital cupboard.
Conning him to sign over the show in an ambulance.
Stealing Miss Jessica from him while in Skegness*

Oh happy memories.
Shame really that the numpty River Ace took you out as Hero was looking forward to beating your ass one more time!
See me and Acer have been through many battles, all of which Hero won but that’s not to say Hero didn’t respect Acer.
Actually hell with that, Hero wouldn’t have battered him, stole his company and fiancée if he respected him.
But Hero does have one thing to thank Acer for….

*Sexy Back by Justin Timberlake hits the speakers as Miss Jessica appears on the ramp, although in high heels and short skirt there is quite clearly a bump showing, she goes to Hero and they embrace*

This is the reason Hero had to have a little time off from it all.
See without Acer Hero would not have met Miss Jessica and without meeting Miss Jessica well there wouldn’t be the prospect of a little minature Hero in 6 months time!

Jessica- Er Hero, I need to talk to you about that, it’s in actually 4 months time, can’t you tell by the size of the bump?

Hero – But we didn’t get together till 4 months ago so that ain’t possible!

Jess – Er….no….it….ain’t

*Hero stands confused for a second and then it slowly dawns on him, his nostrils flare and his eyes widen*

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6WF Thread - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: 6WF Thread   6WF Thread - Page 2 EmptyMon May 12, 2008 3:34 pm

Good one Hero, like it. But c'mon, be nice that hurt my feelings!!!
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King Macca
King Macca

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6WF Thread - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: 6WF Thread   6WF Thread - Page 2 EmptyMon May 12, 2008 3:55 pm

I thought it had to be like that really as 90% of the time I was fighting you.
Wouldnt have made sense to make it a nice one.
But thought the ending turned it round for you and you finally got your revenge on me.
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PostSubject: Re: 6WF Thread   6WF Thread - Page 2 EmptyMon May 12, 2008 4:32 pm

bon apres midi

sorry this is an english forum

good after noon lads

manu manu manu manu

real real real real

both team champs
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PostSubject: Re: 6WF Thread   6WF Thread - Page 2 EmptyMon May 12, 2008 4:34 pm

as always as soccer am proved, every year madrid on, man utd won.

barca - chelsea

valencia - arsenal

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PostSubject: Re: 6WF Thread   6WF Thread - Page 2 EmptyMon May 12, 2008 4:40 pm

nah it is rather



[i]nal - barcelona
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PostSubject: Re: 6WF Thread   6WF Thread - Page 2 EmptyMon May 12, 2008 4:41 pm

same differance though
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PostSubject: Re: 6WF Thread   6WF Thread - Page 2 EmptyMon May 12, 2008 4:44 pm

nah valencia is automatically qualified for the real european cup lol i think

and barcelona must work his arse

now, this feeling of revenge is sweet for me, last year, beckham proves himself and then went

now the team has a solide base unlike when zizou left it seems like everyone was desperate in searching the new zizou
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PostSubject: Re: 6WF Thread   6WF Thread - Page 2 EmptyMon May 12, 2008 4:49 pm

i mean when barca won it chelsea won it, not the same positions this year like. if thats what u meant?

i cant think right anyway, trying to deal with some "fools"
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PostSubject: Re: 6WF Thread   6WF Thread - Page 2 EmptyMon May 12, 2008 4:51 pm

nah i thought that you meant chelsea is second and barcelona is second

and arsenal is third and valencia is third

lol anyway
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PostSubject: Re: 6WF Thread   6WF Thread - Page 2 EmptyMon May 12, 2008 4:53 pm

im right then, i mean every year those teams won it, the corrosponding team in spain did, manu real, barca chelsea, valencia arse.

good to know my brain is still on form, il need it for excuses xD
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