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PostSubject: IMPACT THOUGHTS *SPOILERS*   IMPACT THOUGHTS *SPOILERS* EmptySun Aug 31, 2008 9:38 pm

Might get abit better responce over here where the mark's are NOT discussing HU IZ TEH BEZT?

MaFish wrote:
The majority of the show was as alway's, very up and down at time's, I mean, no Beer Money, No Christian, too much Rhyno, etc...

The end promo was by far the best TNA promo Ive seen in a while and really got this Millionaires Club fued going nicely. Sting is a guy we never see do much, never mind get on the mic, but when he does he bring's what is needed, the intensity, the energy, even though he is set to be on the heel side he really got the crowd behind every word he said.

Every body was thinking what the fuck is TNA doing with this Sting attacking the face's, not really what Sting does, he brought a justifiable reason to EVERYTHING that has been going on with him/ Joe/ AJ/ Angle/ Booker/ Jarret, and honestly, this has been played to a tea by every body involved!

IMO everything is still pretty much open in regard's to everybody's face/heel position's at the mo, it's easy to imagine TNA flipping the obvious (Sting turning heel with Angle and Booker) and making the other side into what Sting was reffering them to, ungratefull at the veteran's paving their way. I can actually see that happening, not as much as I see the obvious happening ofcourse, but it's still a very open possiblity, hell, even to have both team's as more 'Tweener's than real face/ heel team's is possible, and it would defo be a big draw for TNA either way...

So? Best !MPACT for an age or what? Can only be on the up's, and this could be the start of the best TNA story since Angle/ Joe 1? Since Sting/ Abyss? Since Christian's heel turn? IMO Russo has done good so far with this, dont fuck it up with random shit on a pole matches, plz...

Speaking of which, So Cal Whore? "Who ever get's the ring, get's me!" Fucking slag bag or what eh lad's? Basketball
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PostSubject: Re: IMPACT THOUGHTS *SPOILERS*   IMPACT THOUGHTS *SPOILERS* EmptyMon Sep 01, 2008 9:49 am

I reckon TNA did the right thing leaving Christian and beer money out for one episode and building up Rhyno as TNA have alot of stars like Rock'n'Rave who don't get enough TV time and they need to rotate them more otherwise it's the same people week in week out.

Funny enough my favourite part of Impact was Abyss on Karens Angle as I couldn't stop laughing, lol!!
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PostSubject: Re: IMPACT THOUGHTS *SPOILERS*   IMPACT THOUGHTS *SPOILERS* EmptyMon Sep 01, 2008 6:29 pm

I agree about them having alot of star's, Ive said it before they have too big a roster for 2 hour's a week. I would agree about giving Christian a week off too, but Rhyno is used way too much these day's, he is as wank as Benoit was, and cant wrestle half as good, his promo's are shocking, GORRRRRRRR GORRRRRRRR GORRRRRRRR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Leave it out Bore-Machine...

But what your saying about rotating the roster to get more people on different week's, I would agree, but how would you get any real progression outta the stories, or the charactors having them on every other week? TNA need to get another show OR drop half their talent, the older end of their talent I should add...

Rock and Rave NEED to drop this stupid gimmick, Jimmy Rave s a great wrestler, cant say much for Hoyt, from what Ive seen he cant do shit, Christy Hemme want's to shut the fuck up for once and they all want to put them plastic guitar's down, aint they leached offa Guitar Hero enough yet? It would've been a cool ONE TIME thing, but it's tired now, it's a shame too because I would like to see Hemme doing more in the KnockOut division (mainly because I never caught her in WWE and dunno if she can even wrestle, but it would be entertaining finding out), Jimmy Rave doing more in the X Division OR tagging with some one more complimentary to his own wrestling style, some one like Johnny Devine, and Hoyt, erm, sorry ROCK ( pale ) should carry on jobbing to Matt Morgan.

And yeah, gotta agree with that too, Abyss, though I cant fathom what TNA are doing with him, was pretty entertaining with Karen... kissy
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PostSubject: Re: IMPACT THOUGHTS *SPOILERS*   IMPACT THOUGHTS *SPOILERS* EmptyMon Sep 01, 2008 7:03 pm

MaFish, Christy Hemme is a pretty decent wrestler. When she first started getting ring-time in WWE, she was a typical Diva search contestant (total shite), but by the time Vince got rid of her, she was starting to look pretty good. She's no Gail Kim, but is better than quite a few female wrestlers around at the moment.

I always thought Lance Hoyt much more suited to WWE. He's Vince's kind of wrestler, and doesn't seem to do much the TNA tag division. Split them, Jimmy into the X-Division, Lance to WWE and Christy Hemme into the Knockouts division.

I understand you saying get rid of the ageing shite talent, but some of them I think improve TNA. I've always been a fan of Booker, Sting being used sparingly as a tweener works for me, Kurt is always awesome when he isn't injured. I'd get rid of Scott Steiner (and his bro, if he's still in TNA), Jeff Jarrett (never rated him at any point, he's the TNA equivalent of Trips, just not as good), Kevin Nash (why the hell is he 'mentoring' Samoa Joe? That makes no sense at all!)

Rhyno can be decent. His promo's suck. Simple answer - use him as a silent assassin kinda guy, just destroy people for no reason. And his Gore looks a hell of a lot more convincing than Edge's spear.

And fire the commentators, they really spoil TNA for me.
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PostSubject: Re: IMPACT THOUGHTS *SPOILERS*   IMPACT THOUGHTS *SPOILERS* EmptyMon Sep 01, 2008 7:35 pm

I wouldn't say get rid of the aging talent, I would just stop bringing any more in, they snapped up a good few wrestler's, Booker, Angle and Sting, but Sting has got, what? A year left in him, maybe a year and a half, Angle is on his way out, but saying that he's been on his way out for year's, he's resiliant and while he is still able he will put on great matches he will, Booker, as far as I know he has no plan's to retire, nor does he have any nagging injuries or such that could force him out any time soon, as far as I know anyway...

Nash I would watch him doing anything OTHER THAN getting into the ring these day's, he was doing a cracking job mentoring Joe, but when he started wrestling again, just should never have happened... Maybe he woulda been better mentoring some midcarder/ X Div star like he used to with Shelley and Austin Aries?

But Jarret, he carried TNA for so many year's, without him AJ and the rest woulda had a lot harder job getting TNA established, like they couldn't quite get XWF up and running after WCW flopped. Jarret, and fair does, he did put himself as champ abit much, but I feel he couldn't do much else, put it on one of these youngster's like he did with AJ, but at the same time he was trying to make himself the top heel in the company as well, something that was needed at the time. I beleive he has done a cracking job with TNA, one of the best heel's to be in TNA...

If Rick Steiner is still in TNA he is on a pay per appearence, I know he was in a few month's back, but not on the regular roster, and I woulda said the same as you about Scott this time last year, but since then he has done a great job in putting Petey over, and if all the oldies were to do that then I would have no problem's with any of 'em, but certain folk want to keep putting themself's over *COUGH*Nash*COUGH* before they put the younger talent over, then bitch when they gotta do a JOB.

The last decent thing I can remember Rhyno doing was the Elevation X with AJ almost 2 year ago, that whole angle he did with James Storm afterward's just didn't do much for me, made him look pathetic and weak, over what? Abit of beer? Lol. Then he take's month's out, come's back and does the same thing again... The El-X with AJ was class though, probably more because it was AJ than anything Rhyno did, but still...

And yeah, drop DW, get Schivone in, Tenay, although still annoying, could be good with a heel commentator at his side causing abit of friction, like him and Schivone did in WCW. But DW is total wank!
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PostSubject: Re: IMPACT THOUGHTS *SPOILERS*   IMPACT THOUGHTS *SPOILERS* EmptyTue Sep 02, 2008 3:06 pm

I've never seen Jarrett have a great one-on-one match. I know it's easy to accuse him of winning the World Title because he runs the company, but I don't see what he can offer wrestling. And at the moment, he's getting a return being teased constantly with the lights going out and the guitar appearing in the ring, that's the kind of return reserved normally for the really huge names returning (Taker, Sting...), and I just don't see Jarrett as a big name. I haven't seen a lot of the early TNA with the 4 sided ring, so correct me if I'm wrong, but being the biggest heel in a fledgling company when you're pretty much the only reasonably known name in it, is fairly easy to do...

Although how cool would it be if the return wasn't Jarrett, but the debut if the Honky Tonk Man or something?

i've always liked Nash as a commentator, I've no idea why. As an in-ring performer, his knees are far too shot to do anything worthwhile.

Rhyno, was awesome in ECW, did some decent stuff in WWE - his fatal 4 way at Summerslam with Eddie, Tajiri and Benoit is one of my all-time favourite matches, so maybe I'm just a bit biased. Not seen too much of him lately, but if his promos are weak, then how about linking him with Nash? Nash could be seen as trying to make Rhyno take that extra step, to be a TNA title contender, Nash could turn on Joe, and lead to a Joe / Rhyno feud... those two and Abyss had an awesome Monsters Ball match a while back, be good to see if Joe can help Rhymo make the step...
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PostSubject: Re: IMPACT THOUGHTS *SPOILERS*   IMPACT THOUGHTS *SPOILERS* EmptyTue Sep 02, 2008 4:45 pm

Jarret has got a match in the top 50 WWF Matches (according to Leak that is lickarse ) with HBK, haven't seen it but if it's up there it should be worth a shout. I remember him and Sting having a few decent matches too. I thought he alway's played the 'whiney heel' to a tea where ever he was though, WWF/WCW and TNA.

Nash has bucket load's of charisma, alway's had, alway's was comfortable on the mic, couple that with his experience now, he would make a fantastic commentator.

Maybe if I see Rhyno as a monster heel it could change my mind abit, only seen abit of that side of him before (in TEAM RECK), but as a face he is bland as fuck, that Gore does look like possibly the best spear out today, but Rhyno, the package, just isn't what I look for, the dude look's like a stocky midget (dunno his height but with that body make's him look really short) all he does in the ring is a few snap suplexes and a spear, his promo work is shyte, but maybe that's all he need's, a heel turn and a manager like Nash?
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PostSubject: Re: IMPACT THOUGHTS *SPOILERS*   IMPACT THOUGHTS *SPOILERS* EmptyTue Sep 02, 2008 5:24 pm

Seriously Jareet is okay and my favourite TNA match was him vs AJ Styles with Tito Ortiz as guest ref.
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PostSubject: Re: IMPACT THOUGHTS *SPOILERS*   IMPACT THOUGHTS *SPOILERS* EmptyWed Sep 03, 2008 11:15 am

I just can't remember Jarrett having any outstanding matches. I openly admit I haven't seen a lot of TNA in the 'early' days of the promotion, but the matches of his I have seen, and his WWF career, nothing really made me sit up and think, 'Wow, this guy's good'. I did clock the match with him and HBK on Leak's list, but for a multi-time world champ and IC champ to only have the 1 match in a list of 50, when he was in the WWF for about 5 years or so isn't a great record...

If I was feeling really harsh, I could also make the point that HBK could probably get a good match out of a stick, but as the sun's shining and stuff, I'll let it slide.
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PostSubject: Re: IMPACT THOUGHTS *SPOILERS*   IMPACT THOUGHTS *SPOILERS* EmptyWed Sep 03, 2008 12:13 pm

He has also had a few good matches in WCW and in both TNA and WCW he has had a good match with Sting.
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