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 The Adamle Origionals.. (Raw Thoughts)

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bazz23-v2 ®™
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The Adamle Origionals.. (Raw Thoughts) Empty
PostSubject: The Adamle Origionals.. (Raw Thoughts)   The Adamle Origionals.. (Raw Thoughts) EmptyTue Aug 05, 2008 1:30 pm

Last nights raw was as solid a raw as weve seen since the draft i reckon.

Did someone say mid card rivalires?

They must have, because we are getting them, i know this is just the begining and it could all fail but there is finally more than one storyline running at once on raw.

Starting off small: Regal and jamie noble. This has potential, i know it wont be for any gold, but the promos and matches we see could well be gold. This little rivalry has started off with regal interupting a layla dance to remind us all that he is THE KING of all raw. Jamie Noble, still trying to impress his newest fixation layla storms down to the ring and the pair of them begin to throw punches at eachother. I expect a decent match next week full of suplexes. And a decent promo, if it carries on with them in the spotlight for a bit.

The couples war: Now burchill can not seem to get one over on kofi and his sister seems to be falling short vs mackie james, but beth phoenix and santino have now announced their names on the scene with intent of taking both belts from the holders. Some hints of decent womens matches were seen, with katie hitting a northern lights suplex (yes a SUPLEX Shocked ) and beth being ever dominant. Also putting them in matches with the younger up and coming wrestlers can not hurt, could be some entertaining tv over the coming weeks. Santino is now getting loud audible laughs from live audiences too. good to see the wwe putting mixed matches for mixed titles, we discussed how they might do that last week.

no d-lo brown needed by adamle Sad lol.

Lets focus on the new gm for a while. Opening promo was fairly decent, seems they are playing around with the heel and face rolls to gauge reactions. He gets to announce some decent matches and also treats the crowd with title matches (of which all faces involved won or retained) I think if the booking remains good he can eaily be a face or heel. Lets hope he evolves into somthing great and isnt just a temp.

Matt striker makes his post draft debut, in his classic im you teacher role. We learn from the commentators the reason he got fired from his school, which was learning how to wrestle on sick days, classic. Guess who he'l face, it was obvious but still *BOOM* its kane seems to be a face again, really dont get where it is going now, the bag seemed ever the more emptier too. "its ok he is dead" (is kane form tennessee? im sure they were saying welcome home kane lol) But mike adamle has promised the fans to find out whats in the bag, if any of us care anymore. should be funny though as he said hel take it from him. Maybe he hires some rob terry size muscle to help?

NEEEEEEW TAG TEAM CHAMPIONS :/ dont know why, but atleast it was a bit differant. Priceless looked, well priceless, put on a really good show. I noticed more of the matches told their own stories last night which was good. Batista got some nice boos when he refusded to tag. Liked the one upsmanship at the end, to kind of guage who fans love more (cena apparently) Hopefully cena has an arangment with Cryme Tyme for a quick steal of a match for the titles, which will anger priceless? creating firey fueds.

Punk vs Jbl for the title, poor jericho. Decent match really, could tell JBL and jericho would interupt pins etc, but was still good, punk jobbing out for quite a bit paying some dues, decent finish to the match where JBL is clueless to how he won but celebrates like he was dominant. Got a funny feeling HBK might be ok for summerslam too lol

if i was to rate raw, id give it a 4/5. really good, but obv they can always improve as stoylines continue.

Your thoughts, and a mafish match by match summery Wink would be good.
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The Adamle Origionals.. (Raw Thoughts) Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Adamle Origionals.. (Raw Thoughts)   The Adamle Origionals.. (Raw Thoughts) EmptyTue Aug 05, 2008 3:17 pm

Definitely a better RAW than the last couple of weeks, I'm really looking forward to this Regal vs Noble fued which could result in killer matches. I groaned when I heard about the handicap match as WWE has done about 100 of these in the last couple of years, but I was pleasantly surprised by a thoroughly entertaining match up, even if the end was a bit silly. The rest of the show was ok, nothing overly wrong with it which makes for a nice change too.
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The Adamle Origionals.. (Raw Thoughts) Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Adamle Origionals.. (Raw Thoughts)   The Adamle Origionals.. (Raw Thoughts) EmptyTue Aug 05, 2008 3:20 pm

I think the best stuff is the matches didnt make you want to turn off and the main event was a solid one for once and unexpected as people thought cryme tyme would be vs priceless.

Cant beleive how good priceless looked vs the 2 unbeatables. It was almost like cena was jobbing untill they got the win lol.

midcard matches with a reason really help too, so hopefully we get a nice mix with others becoming involved with the titles and rivalries
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Dirty Leecher
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The Adamle Origionals.. (Raw Thoughts) Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Adamle Origionals.. (Raw Thoughts)   The Adamle Origionals.. (Raw Thoughts) EmptyTue Aug 05, 2008 3:32 pm

I thought the Reag/Noble segment was awesome....don't ya think they were working a bit stiff on each other?
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The Adamle Origionals.. (Raw Thoughts) Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Adamle Origionals.. (Raw Thoughts)   The Adamle Origionals.. (Raw Thoughts) EmptyTue Aug 05, 2008 3:35 pm

thats how regal always works, sure I saw one punch land on nobles eye area just before the refs pulled em apart.

Should provide some painfull looking matches. No doubt it will just be somthing to remind people how good regal is, but also gain noble respect
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The Adamle Origionals.. (Raw Thoughts) Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Adamle Origionals.. (Raw Thoughts)   The Adamle Origionals.. (Raw Thoughts) EmptyTue Aug 05, 2008 4:37 pm

I'm still in two minds about Adamle. The show was good but he didn't exactly do much. He isn't bad, he just seems proper boring IMO. Not exactly what I expected, he seems to be "settling in" rather than being a numpty.

As for the rest it was pretty good, had a nice flow to it all. Suppose we might finally see what's in Kane's goody bag too. Somethings gonna have to happen to him to make him think "he isn't dead" though.
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The Adamle Origionals.. (Raw Thoughts) Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Adamle Origionals.. (Raw Thoughts)   The Adamle Origionals.. (Raw Thoughts) EmptyTue Aug 05, 2008 7:40 pm

Forgive me, I didn't do a play by play review this week, but il post up my thought's anyway...

A good Raw, WWE have been on a roll the past few...

Started out with a good promo by the GM Adamaley, liked how he refferenced himself on his first day at the 'Rumble, with his Jeff Harvey botch. Thought it was good how he was comparing himself to Ronald Reagan, and working in a circus atmosphere etc. He say's that there was a 'fire Adamalay' peteition on .COM (mark's eh? Dont realise it's a story, they just want him out). 3 title matches, not too shabby, Women's, World Tag and IC. JBL and Jericho bickering over which will get the SS title shot, both coming outta victories at the last PPV.... WHO WILL PREVAIL? Shocked (It's JBL Wink ) any way the GM book's a 2 on 1 vs. Punk, winner (who pin's) get's Punk at the 'Slam.

Match 1.
Kofi/ Burchill IC title match.
A good match, as expected, Kofi is growing on me alately, that kick he does is nasty, look's great. Abit short this match, not really the hyped title match as Adamalay was building. Kofi hit's that Thunder kick for the W. After Katie distract's Kofi and Burchill tries for a blind side, but na, Kofi too quick fo' dat Paully! 2.5/5 (coulda beeen longer, plus I guess the fued is over for now?)

Match 2.
Mickey vs. Katie Womans title.
Forgive me, I was on the MSN for most of this match so I didn't take much in, just the DDT Mickie won with. After the match Beth came to the ring (through the crowd?) and smoked Mickie, left her lying face down ( Wink ), and as Beth walked up the ramp, Santino, Raw's golden boy, came out clapping, they touch each other's arses a few time's, OK? Rolling Eyes

Next segment, GM Adamalay is in his office, on the blower to Steph, in come's Santino (coining his Adamalay mis-pronounciation) with Beth both wanting title matches at SS, at this point I was thinking, Burchill/ Kofi is off and Mickie/ Kofi vs. Beth/ Santino is all set for a feud, the Burchill feud didn't last long, and I think it will continue some where down the road, but for now it's set, mixed tag for both the IC and Womans belt's. Should be entertaining, and there should be a few good matches too in the fued, Santino/ Kofi both capable, Beth is a monster and Mickie will be there to take the bump's lol!

I found myself getting into this Batista/ Cena fued this week, they looked good when they kept their mouth's shut and looked intense, more on that later... Very Happy

Layla dancing Very Happy then they cut to a video of Noble harrassing her for the 3rd week now? She's cut off by Regal, I was thinking Regal would come out, and even had the 'KOTR' title on his name plate I thought backed it up, that he was gonna go into the 'Slam against Punk if Y2J/JBL didn't win or something, is that where KOTR winner's had their shot at the title? Regal remind's everybody he is still the king of all the WWE, and re introduces himself. Noble run's to the ring (what the fuck is this kid doing? Rolling Eyes ) They have a quick brawl, both slapping the shit outta each other. Ref's break 'em up, end of the story...

Match 3.
JBL/ Y2J vs. CM Punk, no 1 contender's match (I guess?)
Before the match, Adamalay is up on the 'Tron, make's it a ten minute time limit...
A decent match, thought it was abit wierd making Punk look THAT weak against two potential candidates to his WHChampionship. As Sexton say's every one pay's dues jobbing, but as a World Champ? Didn't make much sense to me. A decent match as said, more about Y2J vs. JBL than Punk, both stopping each other's count's, came to blow's a few min's in, ended with (abit of a cheesey finish imo, but it was a good build up to SS) Jericho dropping to the floor with JBL's head on the rope's adn then JBL backing into a cover on Punk in the dying second's. 3.5/5 solid match, nice to see a ten minute match on Raw too...

HBK interview VIA satelite... Say's he's meeting with the quack's before SS, will tell every body his intention's then, he aint going no where, I dont think lol. Jericho is still open as of now at SS, so we'l see what happen's...

Match 4.
Stryker vs. Kane (I thougth it would be D'lo coming to squash Stryker?) Sad
Stryker promo at the start, he's not really comfortable on the mic yet, and he aint getting used like he should be, he got a decent rep in ROH and other Indy's, but he's jobbing out in WWE. Kane come's in, quick as a hiccup squash match, chokeslam for the 'finish'. Kane on the mic now, say's he's in a much bettter place (feel's like they dropped the angle?), and HE IS DEAD! 2/5

A decent Cena promo about Batista stealing show's which Cena headlined, etc...

Adamalay the pimp! Kelly Kelly joining him for, erm... to watch the match, of course! Wink Still look's green in his promo's but Im enjoying him as GM.

Cena/ Batista vs. PRICELESS...
Wasnt expecting this end, but it was a good match, Cody and Deebers dominating most part. One point Batista refuses the tag from Cena, az message as Cole and King say :rol: I found myself actually pulling for Batista in this fued (I KNOW! Shocked ), but it has been pretty good so far, rather one be a heel but... Cena 'tag's' Batista in via a slap at one point, hard stares for a few second's. Batista Bomb and the 1.2.3. New tag champ's, cant see why they would give 'em the title's, surely they gonna drop to Priceless in the rematch?
Good match, 4/5 Decent fued coming on too. Didn't like the show boating afterward's though, fucking show pony's! Rolling Eyes

OVERALL 4/5 Good Raw... Shame bout no D'Lo, thought he would be squashing some poor cunt...
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Wrestling God
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The Adamle Origionals.. (Raw Thoughts) Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Adamle Origionals.. (Raw Thoughts)   The Adamle Origionals.. (Raw Thoughts) EmptyTue Aug 05, 2008 9:43 pm

The opening promo was okay. I think Admale will make a good GM for a few weeks but is act will get stale quick if there isn't anything to speed it up. JBL is a great heel, at times I can really hate him, and Jericho is definatley the best promoer on Raw atm. The match was a bit weird, but I have a theory about that and I'll come to it.


The Paul Burchill/Kofi Kingston match was quite good. I thought we still didn't get to see Burchill show us many moves, and I can't help but think that WWE is severly holding a top talent back. Kofi showed well and I think it was mainly a routine win. Kofi and Katie Lea square up; Mickie James comes out.


Mickie and Katie Lea brawl. I thought this was quite a good womens match, with Katie allowed to show off some strong moves, particuarly liked the suplex, finished with DDT by Mickie pin. Beth Phoenix comes out and flattens Mickie, great moves she did at the end, and that girl could probably fight with the men, she's powerful and I say Katie/Beth feud soon.


Santino comes out loved the ass slap thing, his facial expressions make me laugh. Backstage, Santino and Beth talking with Admale. Loved the way he pronounced Admale and Santino Marrella; Women's Champion, really funny. Announces at SummerSlam it'll be Santino and Beth vs. Mickie and Kofi, for womens AND interconential, who ever wins takes all. I think it'll be a win for Kofi and Mickie, Mickie to take a few bumps and Beth to show off her power, I can see pulling a few moves with Kofi, Santino will most likely just stand and be beaten up and do funny stuff etc. Weird but I'll explain my theroy later on.


Then Layla is dancing in the ring, shows segment where Jamie is talking to Layla and being blown off. I think with Santino on Raw, he just can't compete in the funny, would do better on Smackdown. Regal interupts, I have a feeling he's gonna get a world title shot, they had the KOTR winner on his name plate when he came out, so he still has the oppurtunity to challenge. Reminds everyone of who he is. Noble comes out, obviously to impress Layla. Some hard, stif punches from Regal and Noble then they are seperated. Can see this being an okay feud that can get Regal and Noble over, and should be a good match.


Admale on the titatron when Punk, Jericho and Bradshaw are in the ring, says there's a ten minute time limit. Again weird but I'll say what I think will happen at the end. It was quite a good match, seemed to me to be almost like a preview of Jericho vs. Punk. CM Punk seemed to be almost jobbing out though, hits GTS to JBL. I think Punk'll retain only for Jericho to beat him at the PPV after. Werid ending, with Jericho pushing JBL onto Punk. Could have guessed it'd end at 00.01. Good to see a long match, and not a boring slow one, some spots with a lionsault. At one point I thought Punk was gonna put the walls on Jericho. Still think both JBl and Punk looked quite weak, Punk even more so.


A good promo from Micheals IMO, almost sounded as if he is actually going to retire. (Which I'm pretty sure he won't) I think he'll 'finish' the feud with Jericho at SummerSlam picking up the win. I think it would have been better to show this before the handicap match, don't know why just do.

Striker comes out, he's good on the mic, didn't get alot of time. He's obviously not as full blown as Santino and Jamie but it seems to me that he might be another comedy character, hopefully I'm proved wrong. Kane comes out, I thought it'd either be him or D'Lo, I guessed D'Lo would feature later. I was wrong. Kane does a promo afterwards saying he's definatley dead. I can see this being a bit of a jekyl and hyde type thing, as in next week he's a pyscho.


Good promo from Cena IMO, I think he has done better but still it's building up his match well, and he showed one reason he deserves to be in the main event.


Kelly Kelly comes in with Mike Admale. he says he's gonna take the bag of Kane if he doesn't give it to him next week. Then they 'watch' the main event. I half-expected Admale to try and put his arm over Kelly, or even do the yawn thing.


Cena and Batista vs. Rhodes and DiBase

The way the match started I thought it might have been a squash. But I wasn't dissapointed.
I know this probably isn't the time to say this but...I wish Cena would get some more moves, he is really boring, maybe let him do some suplexes and a samoan drop or something just to spice him up. Good match IMO, at some points, Rhodes and DiBase were really dominating. They work well as a team and it was nice to see some double team moves and IMO they are the best tag team in WWE since MNM. Miz and Morrison are good but even now don't feel like a full blown tag team and they always seem on the edge of breaking up. DiBase and Rhodes have some real chemistry in the ring together.
I see Batista as more of a heel in the feud than Cena and I liked the way he didn't go for the tag. I can see this feud carrying on after SummerSlam or finishing and starting again. A weird ending and I can't see why they would hold the titles, which would weaken, a weak but IMO, improving tag scene, unless Cena is gonna give them to Cryme Tyme? or as MaFish say they drop them in a rematch? Beats me. The show-boating bit was okay, Cena seemed to get more cheers, and alot of girly screams HA.


Good Show IMO. 4/5 Admale as GM looking okay, but can't see him lasting long...which brings me onto my theory.

I can see Admale keeping up these Admale Originals and doing over the next two weeks, and then after SummerSlam, he is still GM, but over the two weeks to SS and the 2 weeks after. His Admale Originals get sillier and sillier. With handicap matches and all the rules he puts get silly so he's fired and they can carry the story on with new GMs being put in, until they find a good one, be it Regal again or Biscoff or even Stone Cold, I see this as where it is going.
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Wrestling God
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The Adamle Origionals.. (Raw Thoughts) Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Adamle Origionals.. (Raw Thoughts)   The Adamle Origionals.. (Raw Thoughts) EmptyTue Aug 05, 2008 9:47 pm

Also, as Sexton said; there is alot of mid-card rivalries going on. This is great, WWE seems to be improving alot, and this is one of the ways. If Smackdown cuts down on the squash matches it'll be alot better. Raw is on top game, and ECW is turning out to be a great T.V. Development show with some good matches and some good rivalries.
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The Adamle Origionals.. (Raw Thoughts) Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Adamle Origionals.. (Raw Thoughts)   The Adamle Origionals.. (Raw Thoughts) EmptyWed Aug 06, 2008 4:04 pm

Cena and Batista??!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!??????

the only good i can see coming out of this, is that it should keep them away from the WHC for a while??
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bazz23-v2 ®™
Wrestling God
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The Adamle Origionals.. (Raw Thoughts) Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Adamle Origionals.. (Raw Thoughts)   The Adamle Origionals.. (Raw Thoughts) EmptyWed Aug 06, 2008 4:12 pm

Anyone notice during Cena's promo he said something like, "its a match to determine who is the top dog"(or words to that affect)??

*backstage Punk was cries into a can of pepsi*
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The Adamle Origionals.. (Raw Thoughts) Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Adamle Origionals.. (Raw Thoughts)   The Adamle Origionals.. (Raw Thoughts) EmptyWed Aug 06, 2008 4:13 pm

bazz23-v2 ®™ wrote:
Anyone notice during Cena's promo he said something like, "its a match to determine who is the top dog"(or words to that affect)??

*backstage Punk was cries into a can of pepsi*
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The Adamle Origionals.. (Raw Thoughts) Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Adamle Origionals.. (Raw Thoughts)   The Adamle Origionals.. (Raw Thoughts) EmptyWed Aug 06, 2008 4:14 pm

hahaha, god i hate that man...

"everyone knows Batista and Cena should headline Wrestlemania"

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The Adamle Origionals.. (Raw Thoughts) Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Adamle Origionals.. (Raw Thoughts)   The Adamle Origionals.. (Raw Thoughts) EmptyWed Aug 06, 2008 4:21 pm

Does nobody think it's a bit shit though? The Punk thing.

He's been given the WHC but he's still a mid-carder and the belts gone with him. The belt should be the star of the show yet there's 2 (arguably 3) matches that are more important than Punk Vs JBL. If they don't want Punk headlining the show then he shouldn't have won the belt.
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The Adamle Origionals.. (Raw Thoughts) Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Adamle Origionals.. (Raw Thoughts)   The Adamle Origionals.. (Raw Thoughts) EmptyWed Aug 06, 2008 4:24 pm

Discopants wrote:
Does nobody think it's a bit shit though? The Punk thing.

He's been given the WHC but he's still a mid-carder and the belts gone with him. The belt should be the star of the show yet there's 2 (arguably 3) matches that are more important than Punk Vs JBL. If they don't want Punk headlining the show then he shouldn't have won the belt.

They needed a belt for Raw However. He's an able champ, and he'll probably be 2nd on the card.

This PPV as a whole is more about 2 non title matches (Edge vs Taker, Cena vs Batista), than it is about either of the 2 title matches, one of which (Khali vs HHH) has recieved no buildup at all.
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The Adamle Origionals.. (Raw Thoughts) Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Adamle Origionals.. (Raw Thoughts)   The Adamle Origionals.. (Raw Thoughts) EmptyWed Aug 06, 2008 4:34 pm

If Raw needed a belt they could have kept one at NOC but that's not the issue.

What I'm saying if Punk has the WHC, the biggest "honour" in wrestling on the A show then he should be the main attraction. If WWE didn't want him headlining he shouldn't have the belt, simple as that. He's got the belt but he's still really no more than a mid carder.
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Wrestling God
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The Adamle Origionals.. (Raw Thoughts) Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Adamle Origionals.. (Raw Thoughts)   The Adamle Origionals.. (Raw Thoughts) EmptyWed Aug 06, 2008 5:11 pm

I class Punk as a maineventer and I think the only reason his match won't be the biggest is because they want to finnish Edge and Taker, and Batista and Cena is something you can tell WWE have wanted to do for awhile. I think the fact you feel he isn't as big has been done on purpose by WWE, so far he hasn't picked up a clean win, meaning it feels like he isn't the proper champion, I expect him to get a clean win against JBl before losing it to Jericho.
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The Adamle Origionals.. (Raw Thoughts) Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Adamle Origionals.. (Raw Thoughts)   The Adamle Origionals.. (Raw Thoughts) EmptyWed Aug 06, 2008 5:18 pm

No, I feel he isn't a main eventer because he hasn't "main evented" a PPV yet and I doubt he will for a long time. He was 3rd down on the card at the GAB and he's the same now. It hasn't got anything to do with winning cleanly. The belt should be in the main event.
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The Adamle Origionals.. (Raw Thoughts) Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Adamle Origionals.. (Raw Thoughts)   The Adamle Origionals.. (Raw Thoughts) EmptyWed Aug 06, 2008 11:43 pm

I have to ask: Do Cena and Batista really need the titles to further their feud? Surely someone could have come up with something more imaginative than re-hashing the Michaels-Cena feud of 18 months ago? And its not like Michaels-Cena was the first time they'd gone down that route either.

I realise that I may well be jumping the gun a bit and this storyline could go in a completely different direction to previous 'feuding tag champs' storylines but I can't really see how it can be any different. You just know that somewhere down the line one or other of them will turn on their partner and cost them the titles.

Also, as is often the case when such storylines occur, its a promising 'proper' tag team that's ends up suffering in the process. OK so from what I've heard Precious looked pretty good before they lost the titles but then did they really need to lose them in the first place?

Mark C
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The Adamle Origionals.. (Raw Thoughts) Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Adamle Origionals.. (Raw Thoughts)   The Adamle Origionals.. (Raw Thoughts) EmptyWed Aug 06, 2008 11:58 pm

Its Priceless not precious lol
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The Adamle Origionals.. (Raw Thoughts) Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Adamle Origionals.. (Raw Thoughts)   The Adamle Origionals.. (Raw Thoughts) EmptyThu Aug 07, 2008 12:04 am

fe®gie23 wrote:
Its Priceless not precious lol

Well spotted. Just testing.

Anyway, whoever they are, they should stillbe the champs in my opinion.

Mark C
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The Adamle Origionals.. (Raw Thoughts) Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Adamle Origionals.. (Raw Thoughts)   The Adamle Origionals.. (Raw Thoughts) EmptyThu Aug 07, 2008 12:11 am

It was good for them to be in the ring with a couple of main eventers though, they more than held their own with Cena and Batista.

The tag titles mean very little now IMO, with the lack of competition so I really don't think having them did much for Priceless. But whoever wins them back is gonna get a main event match to do it in making it much more noticeable and significant.
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The Adamle Origionals.. (Raw Thoughts) Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Adamle Origionals.. (Raw Thoughts)   The Adamle Origionals.. (Raw Thoughts) EmptyThu Aug 07, 2008 12:15 am

Priceless will win them back, possibly before SummerSlam, while it would look alright having a champ v champ match at SummerSlam I think it could also add to the rivalry if there new found hatred for each other cost them the titles

There is no one about on the roster who could possibly hold the straps other than Priceless, no one credible anyway, thats why Batista and Cena in my opinion have been given a 'loan' of them, just to help add something extra to there feud!

This is not a new thing, its a tried and tested formula having two face 'enemies' forced to tag together and win the titles, however there is usually a world championship at stake
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The Adamle Origionals.. (Raw Thoughts) Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Adamle Origionals.. (Raw Thoughts)   The Adamle Origionals.. (Raw Thoughts) EmptyThu Aug 07, 2008 2:02 pm

Maybe to add a little differance cena will want to drop the titles to cryme tyme "as he can win an other title just as easy anyway" but big dave doesnt want to do that. Could be the start of a batista heel turn as people love cryme tyme
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The Adamle Origionals.. (Raw Thoughts) Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Adamle Origionals.. (Raw Thoughts)   The Adamle Origionals.. (Raw Thoughts) EmptyThu Aug 07, 2008 3:46 pm

yeah, i think cryme tyme is almost as credible as Priceless
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The Adamle Origionals.. (Raw Thoughts) Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Adamle Origionals.. (Raw Thoughts)   The Adamle Origionals.. (Raw Thoughts) Empty

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