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Join date : 2008-04-20
Age : 39

PostSubject: ***WORTHY REVIEWS***   ***WORTHY REVIEWS*** EmptyWed Apr 23, 2008 1:37 pm

This thread will be used by me to review stuff ranging from tv programs to games and hopefully others will join in and post random reviews also. (All reviews will be out of 10 Like a Star @ heaven )

For now though here is my Mario Kart Wii review:


If you played any of the other Mario Karts from N64 upwards then you'll pick this up easily even though there is alot of new features the first being the control system (although you can choose to use the gamecube or classic controller instead, but I have a gamecube controller and I find it easier with the Wii wheel) and if your using the Wii wheel or wii mote then it does take a bit of getting used to, especially when it comes to drifting and the other new feature which is stunts and in order to perform stunts you just need to flick the wii wheel/wii mote up as you leave the ramp and it's the timing part that is tricky at first.

Another new feature is the addition of bikes which take alot of getting used to because they handle diffrently than Karts and the fact that 100cc is bikes only to begin with doesn't help much either and me personally I hate them on this but if you can master them then you have a chance to do well as bikes can do wheelies to speed up.

Now onto graphics, people often refer to the wii as gamecube 2 as the graphics are similar but on here they are much better (okay not xbox or ps3 standard, but still good), the graphics on here outshine the gamecube one and this is so evident in the retro tracks like Donkey Kong Mountain and Waluigis stadium which are from the gamecube and look even better than they did on game cube and lets not forget that this is the first mario kart to feature 12 players all in one race, even online!!

This game features 32 tracks with 16 of them being new and 16 being remakes from snes/GBA/N64/DS/Gamecube which is pretty cool especially online which is where this game shines and I have won 5 back to back races coming 1st in all of them and also I am undefeated online at Bowsers castle which is pretty sweet considering I only got this game on Friday, but thats not all with 12 people in one race it is amazing how they have done it with no lag what so ever, and add to that the mario channel feature to post you Time Trial records and download ghost data from, online mode is brilliant and if you don't have many friends to play with you then this is perfect for you and even if you do then you and your mate can both race others online.

However there is a few downsides, one of which is the new Battle mode format which is no longer every man for himself and now puts you in teams which is a shame as there is 2 various battle modes along old and new battle tracks, one is the classic balloon battle which involves you popping and stealing your opponents balloons and the other is coin run which involves you collecting the most coins and if you get hit you lose them.

Another downside is the difficulty which is alot harder due to it been 12 people racing instead of 6 and it gets harder as to unlock other racers you need to do tasks, some which are easy as win 50cc leaf cup and some which is very hard like beat staff ghost's and get a star rating in every cup, however it doesn't seem worth it considering most of the unlockable characters seem similar to the ones you already have such as Funky Kong and Dry Bowser which seem more like alternative costumes of Donkey Kong and Bowser than new characters, not to mention pointless additions such as baby daisy.

Apart from what was mentioned in that last paragraph, Mario Kart wii is very good especially if you have friends or Wifi conection and the Wii wheel just adds to the fun.

So all in all I am going to give this game Like a Star @ heaven Like a Star @ heaven Like a Star @ heaven Like a Star @ heaven Like a Star @ heaven Like a Star @ heaven Like a Star @ heaven Like a Star @ heaven

and my friend code on it is 2406-5435-1776 so if you do add my friend code then send me a PM of yours as you need to add each others.
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PostSubject: Re: ***WORTHY REVIEWS***   ***WORTHY REVIEWS*** EmptyWed Apr 23, 2008 3:34 pm

Does it still suffer from the elastic band AI that plagued the others? I always remember being miles ahead, until the guys I was against came flying up and pipping me at the finish line...
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Age : 39

PostSubject: Re: ***WORTHY REVIEWS***   ***WORTHY REVIEWS*** EmptyWed Apr 23, 2008 3:43 pm

Sort of...

basically what happens is if your first the only items you will get are mainly bananas and green shells but if you last you will get the gold mushrooms and bullet bills that will help you get in the lead in no time. This means that you can never atcually be way out infront as the items you get will help others catch up.

Although this is the first version to feature 12 people racing all at once and it is a good job it has that elastic band effect as when you get hit and your in 1st you will get others pushing you out the way as they over taking you and also firing shells at you so you can be 1st and get hit by a red shell and end up last in an instant only for you to get a bullet bill and come back.
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PostSubject: Re: ***WORTHY REVIEWS***   ***WORTHY REVIEWS*** EmptyWed Apr 23, 2008 4:08 pm

Cool - I'm gonna get it sometime very soon, and your review has sold it to me. Job done!
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Age : 39

PostSubject: Re: ***WORTHY REVIEWS***   ***WORTHY REVIEWS*** EmptyWed Apr 23, 2008 4:52 pm

It is a very good game but is very hard to unlock everything so I had to download a save file off the internet to get every driver because you need mario galaxy to unlock Rosalina and put it this way unlocking the expert staff ghosts are near enough impossible and to do it you need to beat a normal staff ghost by 7 seconds then you need to beat a 6, 12 and 24 to unlock more characters (32 to unlock your mii in a diffrent costume).
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King Macca
King Macca

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PostSubject: Re: ***WORTHY REVIEWS***   ***WORTHY REVIEWS*** EmptyWed Apr 23, 2008 6:17 pm

Okay here goes my attempt at a review:

World of Warcraft : The Burning Crusade (PC)

Where do I begin?
For those that have been living in a cave for the last few years, World of Warcraft or WOW as it’s known is huge.
We’re talking the population of the Republic of Ireland.
And double it.

WOW is known as a massively multiplayer online role-playing game or MMORG for short. The biggest in the business. It was released to the public in November 2004 and quickly went global.

The setting of the game is a fictional series of worlds (two of which are currently playable) in a fantasy setting, think Lord of the Rings or Dungeons and Dragons and you’re not far off.
When you start the game you have a choice of races and classes each with different skills and talents.
The first big choice is which side to choose.
The Alliance which consists of Humans, Night Elves, Dwarves, Gnomes and Draenei (strange tall blue goatlike people from a different planet)
The Horde which consists of Orcs, Trolls, Blood Elves, Tauren (minotaurs) and Forsaken (undead).
On first glance you’d assume that the Alliance are the good guys and the Horde the villains, but it’s not the case. Both have fought many wars in the past but now an uneasy peace is in effect.
After you’ve chosen your race you have the more important choice of class.
These range massively.
Warriors who can take a huge amount of damage in a battle (often known as Tanks)
Mages who can dish out huge damage with fireballs but hit them and they go down.
Rogues who stealthily backstab opponents while leaving them unable to defend.
Druids who can shapechange to a variety of forms to suit the situation.
Warlocks who controls demons and corrupt the opposition.
Priests who heal their allies and bestow curses on others.
Shamans who bring forth totems to assist them.
Paladins who can heal but also wear armour
Hunters who shoot arrows from afar while letting loose their pets on victims.

Once you’ve made your decisions your character is ready to start the game.
Initially like most games it runs you through the basics to get a grip of what to do.
You start at level 1 and currently the cap is level 70 (soon to be 80 when the next expansion comes out)
The worlds are split into different regions, all with their own style (desert, jungle, snowy, etc) and each is aimed at different levels (starting zones such as Elwyn Forest have creatures at levels 1-10). As you move around you are given certain quests to complete which range from kill a certain number of a certain creature to simply taking a letter to someone in a different location.
As a reward for completing quests and slaying monsters you gain experience points (xp), money and possible treasure.
As you gain xp you gain levels, simple enough.
Gaining money means you can buy new equipment, and equipment is King in the game. As you get to the highest levels you’ll be saving up for weeks for the best gear you can buy.
Creatures also drop treasure. Ranging from such lovelies as Troll Sweat to potions, rings and trinkets galore. Though some creatures drop the strangest items (how a wolf can be carrying a suit of plate armour is beyond me)
As you advance in level you also get talent points which again change the style of your character. A mage for example can study under Fire, Frost or Arcane, each with different bonuses and weaknesses.
At level 40 all classes get the opportunity to gain a mount which greatly speeds up moving about and at level 68 a flying mount which can be used in the expansion world of Outland.

Overall this game isn’t for everyone, it’s a real geekfest but if you want to spend several hours a night marauding around woods pretending to be an elf slaying goblins and giant spiders you will get hooked.

My rating 9.5 out of 10.
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Age : 39

PostSubject: Re: ***WORTHY REVIEWS***   ***WORTHY REVIEWS*** EmptyThu Apr 24, 2008 10:09 am

Nice review macc.
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Age : 39

PostSubject: Re: ***WORTHY REVIEWS***   ***WORTHY REVIEWS*** EmptyTue May 13, 2008 3:51 pm

Just found this with Mario Kart information on:

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PostSubject: Re: ***WORTHY REVIEWS***   ***WORTHY REVIEWS*** EmptyWed May 14, 2008 3:00 am

wow is fun.
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