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 King of the ring result *spoilers*

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bazz23-v2 ®™
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PostSubject: King of the ring result *spoilers*   King of the ring result *spoilers* EmptyTue Apr 22, 2008 12:20 pm

I've just spotted this on wrestlezone and I don't know how accurate it is, but here it is anyway:

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PostSubject: Re: King of the ring result *spoilers*   King of the ring result *spoilers* EmptyTue Apr 22, 2008 12:23 pm

Thats spot on my mate seen it on WWE what an absolute disgrace
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PostSubject: Re: King of the ring result *spoilers*   King of the ring result *spoilers* EmptyTue Apr 22, 2008 12:41 pm

Thats Stupid i guess there going to milk it worse than King Booker lol
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PostSubject: Re: King of the ring result *spoilers*   King of the ring result *spoilers* EmptyTue Apr 22, 2008 12:43 pm

I recorded last night's show, so don't know the details, but they really are screwing up CM Punk as a potential main eventer. The night after he wins MITB, he loses to Jericho - are we supposed to see him as a possible world champ if he can't even beat the IC title holder? Now he taps out to Regal? Is Regal gonna get a Jeff-sytle push? I really can't see it, so what exactly was the point of Punk not winning this? I know a few guys said that if Punk already has MITB, does he need to win KOTR - just look what it's done to upper mid-carders in the past - Punk needed to win this more than Regal, so why the hell did he lose?
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bazz23-v2 ®™
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bazz23-v2 ®™

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King of the ring result *spoilers* Empty
PostSubject: Re: King of the ring result *spoilers*   King of the ring result *spoilers* EmptyTue Apr 22, 2008 2:12 pm

Well to be fair Punk did go over both his opponents and they are two seemingly strong opponents at that, but I do see what you mean about having Regal win, It was pointless because, like you said, he ain't gonna be getting no major push.

If they turn this into a "king Booker" type thing, then I'm gonna stop watching Raw live so I can skip through the shit.

2 an a half hours of pointless shit if you ask me.
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Wrestling God
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PostSubject: Re: King of the ring result *spoilers*   King of the ring result *spoilers* EmptyTue Apr 22, 2008 2:13 pm

I am glad Punk didnt win it, but tapping out to a GM is not exactly the best thing in the world for a MITB winner to do!

I was one of the ones on here last week saying that Regal is far to good not to be working in the ring after his performance with Orton and I think many others feel that way as well

I am not sure what was actually planned for RAW last night, whatever it was I am sure it wasnt King of The Ring, this was a rushed tournament so for me that proves that it wasnt initially scheduled
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PostSubject: Re: King of the ring result *spoilers*   King of the ring result *spoilers* EmptyTue Apr 22, 2008 2:14 pm

well when I say on here, I meant on the not so niceboard
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bazz23-v2 ®™
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bazz23-v2 ®™

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PostSubject: Re: King of the ring result *spoilers*   King of the ring result *spoilers* EmptyTue Apr 22, 2008 2:23 pm

I think you could be right, 99% of the show just felt pointless, with the only good part being HBK/Batista's promo.

Their biggest story of the night was that presidential crap, and the rest just seemed like filler.
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King of the ring result *spoilers* Empty
PostSubject: Re: King of the ring result *spoilers*   King of the ring result *spoilers* EmptyTue Apr 22, 2008 2:35 pm

I have a horrible feeling that Regal is gonna go with a 'King Booker-type gimmick - I guess I'm a minority of 1 in that I loved King Booker, and thought it was great. And Regal can do the 'comedy' side of things well, so God knows what WWE is planning. Anyone know if WWE are still thinking of doing the draft soon?
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PostSubject: Re: King of the ring result *spoilers*   King of the ring result *spoilers* EmptyTue Apr 22, 2008 2:37 pm

Do you think this could lead to a title for Regal I would love to see him hold a mid card title maybe not the big ones I do not think he should be drafted though because I like him on Raw he does a good job.
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PostSubject: Re: King of the ring result *spoilers*   King of the ring result *spoilers* EmptyTue Apr 22, 2008 3:22 pm

austin has sent his GM application already haha.

things we mention seem to be happening though, like gaff said, we were only just discusing regal doing more in ring work.

im not gonna be bothering with an article on raw though, it was bullshit.Glad regal won out of him and punk though, But ive noticed somthing about CM Punk, which i guess is good...

I dont particularly like him and the way he wins matches seems like its unplanned and hes not even suposed to win, not like just because its reversals somtimes, it really does look cheeky and almost asif hes just going, fuck it, im winning this match 2nite. Makes me like mark out kind of, in a NO NO dont win now kinda way, therfore when regal won i was even happier. Anyone else notice somthing differant about his match endings?
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PostSubject: Re: King of the ring result *spoilers*   King of the ring result *spoilers* EmptyTue Apr 22, 2008 3:33 pm

I wrote this on the other topic but I think that one is almost dead now

The King Of The Ring tournament would for me have been and looked much better going about it this way!

why have MVP job in the first round?

If Jericho was not going to win it then have him get into an IC match with someone like Batista who was in the arena afterall and after SD and with Backlash coming up it would have added to the story

CM Punk is another who if he lost should not have lost cleanly

John Morrison
---------------------} John Morrison
------------------------------------------} CM Punk
CM Punk
---------------------} CM Punk
-------------------------------------------------------------------} MVP - King Of The Ring
---------------------} MVP
Big Show
------------------------------------------} MVP
Matt Hardy
---------------------} Matt Hardy
Shelton Benjamin

MVP is ready to lose the US title soon and this would have given him a major reason for a push, Big Show could have got beat after Khali came to the ring which would have gave that more story, MVP could have cheated his way past Matt Hardy to give there US title match more meaning and showing he can actually beat Hardy, CM Punk could have won a couple of big matches like he did last night then lose to an opportunist or cheat tactic by a guy who seems destined for the top
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King of the ring result *spoilers* Empty
PostSubject: Re: King of the ring result *spoilers*   King of the ring result *spoilers* EmptyTue Apr 22, 2008 5:32 pm

This would have been a good push for the people that were in the MITB and i cant see why them plus Matt Hardy were not the contenders...
I told my mates at school what had happened and even the most markish one of them thought it was bad
This weeks RAW wasnt good but tonights ECW will be great listening to The Tazz and Ademele talk about leg kicks and figure 4s and tarzan...
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King of the ring result *spoilers* Empty
PostSubject: Re: King of the ring result *spoilers*   King of the ring result *spoilers* EmptyTue Apr 22, 2008 6:02 pm

All hail King Billy! Seriously though, that was a bit fucking pointless, they're never going to actually push Regal, and as much as I dislike CM Punk, he would have made a better winner as another part of building him up for his title shot.
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PostSubject: Re: King of the ring result *spoilers*   King of the ring result *spoilers* EmptyTue Apr 22, 2008 6:18 pm

I was watching CM Punk last night, I think him, Jericho, Edge and Matt Hardy could make a fantastic world title division, add in Jeff Hardy and Shawn Michaels into that along with John Morrison and you have a MUST SEE brand
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PostSubject: Re: King of the ring result *spoilers*   King of the ring result *spoilers* EmptyTue Apr 22, 2008 6:29 pm

I'm still not really into Punk, who seems to be getting Jeff Hardy's push at the moment. I dunno, maybe it's just I don't trust a guy who doesn't at least drink, let alone the rest of the stuff straight edgers dont do.
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PostSubject: Re: King of the ring result *spoilers*   King of the ring result *spoilers* EmptyTue Apr 22, 2008 6:37 pm

I have been warming to him lately, watching some of his matches since Mania have impressed me, not his biggest fan but he seems to be doing more moves lately and there are a lot of reversals in his matches, something I thought you might have liked since you like the techincal side of things!

I could see him as a main eventer but he would need to be in the right division, I think a big fued with Edge and MVP could be good for him in the next 3/4 months and I would like to see him working more of a programme with Matt Hardy as well as that looked like it has a lot of potential, I really enjoyed his run with John Morrison in ECW last autum as well although I thought Morrison is and still is better than him
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PostSubject: Re: King of the ring result *spoilers*   King of the ring result *spoilers* EmptyTue Apr 22, 2008 6:40 pm

Yeah I'd agree with you there, Morrison could be a really big star for WWE if the push him right. Punk's match with Jericho was quite good I thought, probably the best I've seen him perform. And while I do normally like technical wrestlers, for some reason Punk just doesn't do anything for me, hell I found his match with Samoa Joe boring, and I'm one of the biggest Joe fans out there.
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PostSubject: Re: King of the ring result *spoilers*   King of the ring result *spoilers* EmptyTue Apr 22, 2008 6:42 pm

I have to say I really dislike Punk big time however I have had an idea for him.

I think he should be recruited in some sort of way by Taker very similar look if you think Taker back in the ministry dont know quite what would happen a rebirth of the Ministry would be good with Taker ruling Smackdown Punk coming over to Raw to Kane on ECW and maybe recruit a few others to have a Ministry and then Vinnie Mac comes up with some stable to combat this. I know this has been done before but I think over 3 brands it could become extremly intersting.
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PostSubject: Re: King of the ring result *spoilers*   King of the ring result *spoilers* EmptyTue Apr 22, 2008 6:49 pm

I think Punk really needs to be heel, his charisma level seems to be low, certainly for the teenage to adult viewer anyway although as his mechindise will prove he is well over with the younger fans!

There are a few guys in the WWE for me who are in drastic need of a heel/face turn!

Mr Kennedy
Chris Jericho
CM Punk
Shelton Benjamin

Are the guys that I would like to see change ASAP and plenty would like to see Cena and Triple H and Shawn Michaels turn heel, which for me could not all happen
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PostSubject: Re: King of the ring result *spoilers*   King of the ring result *spoilers* EmptyTue Apr 22, 2008 7:22 pm

I don't see this as a bad thing, this could be a reason for Regal to return to the ring full time, and id thats the case then im happy with it, a King like gimmick is perfect for Regal in my opinion
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PostSubject: Re: King of the ring result *spoilers*   King of the ring result *spoilers* EmptyTue Apr 22, 2008 7:25 pm

yeah it is a perfect gimmick for Regal, but I just can't see WWE properly utilising this. Being KOTR, should be the first step in becoming a main eventer, something which Regal is never going to be. If WWE do turn him into a top guy, then I'll be shocked in a good way, but I just can't see that happening.
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PostSubject: Re: King of the ring result *spoilers*   King of the ring result *spoilers* EmptyTue Apr 22, 2008 7:44 pm

I know what your saying Guns but if JBL can be considered a legitimate main eventer then Regal could be IMO
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PostSubject: Re: King of the ring result *spoilers*   King of the ring result *spoilers* EmptyTue Apr 22, 2008 7:45 pm

Both would make a good team (not tag team) as part of some kind of faction
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PostSubject: Re: King of the ring result *spoilers*   King of the ring result *spoilers* EmptyTue Apr 22, 2008 7:52 pm

I'm not that annoyed with this as I think Regal and WWE could do something great with this. I don't think he'll be a main eventer on Raw and wouldn't be suprised if he went to Smackdown or even ECW. he's a great technical wrestler and he can really help the younger members of WWE. I was thinking, do you think that WWE are going down the route of bringing in some more techincal wrestling. CM Punk is going into a technical style and with this Regal is there. What d'ya think?
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