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 Overrated???????????? (By fans not the WWE)

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King Macca
bazz23-v2 ®™
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Overrated???????????? (By fans not the WWE) Empty
PostSubject: Overrated???????????? (By fans not the WWE)   Overrated???????????? (By fans not the WWE) EmptyThu Jul 17, 2008 4:48 pm

Now everyone seems to have an opinion of some kind with regards to the right guys getting pushed, everyone wants to have there say on who should be pushed, who should be champ and who doesn't deserve those things!

So therefor what performer do YOU think is the most over rated in the WWE, lets not kid ourselves either, I don't mean over rated by the guys in charge of the shows, I am talking more about from the "INTERNET WRESTLING COMMUNITY"

There always seems to be heat on the same guys (Batista, Cena and CM Punk) yet these same guys who give others abuse are quick to praise the efforts of other guys who if your lucky could sell 10 tickets between them.

For me the guy I believe who is the most over rated in the WWE is none other than Mr Kennedy...............Kennedy

He does nothing at all for me, his in ring move set is boring, his look is neither here nor there, his promos are usually boring as well and his name sucks, the only reason in my opinion he was pushed as far as he was is because of his close realationship with Stone Cold Steve Austin whom they tried to morph him into, however he lacks the one basic ingrediant to be another Austin, NATURAL TALENT

This is of course my own opinions on Mr Kennedy but I am interested to see who others would choose as the most over rated and why!
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Overrated???????????? (By fans not the WWE) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Overrated???????????? (By fans not the WWE)   Overrated???????????? (By fans not the WWE) EmptyThu Jul 17, 2008 5:05 pm

Nice to see ya back Gaffer, good article.

IMO CM Punk is overated, all the guy does is strike's, bar a few submission's, all he does is kick folk lol. When you hear great wrestler's who gained a big rep on the indy circuit, Punk's name is alway's one of the first to pop up, while he is good with his kick's and shit, it just dont do it for me, he would be far more suited to MMA fighting guy's the same size and weight class as him.

Im gonna flip this abit here too, hope ya dont mind Gaff lol.

Who I think is waaaay too underrated, Team 3D, yeah D'von does look like he's been downing roid's like smarties, but Team 3D for me has been consistent, they have barely had ANY time off since they were first in ECW, a year in total, at most, they have alway's gave back to the industry, either by jobbing and getting guy's over (which they probably do a little to much lol), or by opening their own wrestling school (which suplied the jobber's for Awesome Kong to destroy over recent week's). They are the best Heel team since NWO first popped up (and like Bubba said, "If God was a heel, he'd be in Team 3D!"), and I think it's because they are so good at playing heel's that the mark's take it in too much and thus make 'em seem underrated.

Booker T is he same (Bet ya thinking, what's this kid on?) But no one give's him credit that he deserve's for giving so much back to the wrestling industry, like 3D he has his own school, which again I think has supplied Jobber's for TNA.
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Wrestling God
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Overrated???????????? (By fans not the WWE) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Overrated???????????? (By fans not the WWE)   Overrated???????????? (By fans not the WWE) EmptyThu Jul 17, 2008 5:11 pm

I think I know why so many of the IWC love Punk though MaFish, you are a keen ROH buff right?

I think it has to do with his two month heel turn near the end of his time in Ring Of Honour during the 'Summer Of Punk' I have not seen many of the matches but read it all and it was top quality reading, I can only assume the viewing was 100 times better, his promos seemed brilliant!

I would love to see him have a big heel turn in the WWE although maybe not for another year, get him over as one of thee top faces in the business before shocking everyone with a heel turn would be far more logical in my opinion!
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Overrated???????????? (By fans not the WWE) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Overrated???????????? (By fans not the WWE)   Overrated???????????? (By fans not the WWE) EmptyThu Jul 17, 2008 5:28 pm

I have seen abit of ROH from like a year ago, and a few from 2003, barely any Punk though. Im guessing he would be gold as a heel, abit like Cody Rhodes, a shit face IMO, but has been good as a heel so far.

I was reading one of those stories Doom posted about what if's, the one where Punk was gonna bring the ROH title to WWE was great, still gotta finish it yet but, great so far. His promoing is good, not the best, but it's good, but this rep he build had me thinking he was another Homicide, or another Low-Ki, but I dunno, the in ring part didn't seem to spectacular, especially for a guy from ROH. I haven't seen much Punk from when he was on ECW either, so I think abit more Puunk viewage and it may change my mind, but I doubt Il ever be a big Punk fan.
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Wrestling God
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Overrated???????????? (By fans not the WWE) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Overrated???????????? (By fans not the WWE)   Overrated???????????? (By fans not the WWE) EmptyThu Jul 17, 2008 5:31 pm

I think those promos in the what ifs forums are just guys writing there own promos and us (the veiwer) trying to pretend its that said wrestler doing the promo!

I think it was from the Summer of 2005, maybe if you can find any you can post it, 'the Summer of Punk' I am on a few different forums and many who are mainly WWE guys believe its some of the best work anyone has done in wrestling in the last 10 years, when you considered between 1998 and 2002 was considered to be a golden time then it shows how highly regarded those two months Punk delivered actually where!
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Wrestling God
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Overrated???????????? (By fans not the WWE) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Overrated???????????? (By fans not the WWE)   Overrated???????????? (By fans not the WWE) EmptyThu Jul 17, 2008 6:13 pm

This is a really good CM Punk promo from after Raw. This is what he should be doing on camera.

Only thing that is missing is the I am better.
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bazz23-v2 ®™
Wrestling God
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Overrated???????????? (By fans not the WWE) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Overrated???????????? (By fans not the WWE)   Overrated???????????? (By fans not the WWE) EmptyThu Jul 17, 2008 6:15 pm

Everyone but my nan knows my opinion on that overrated piece of crap Kennedy, its something iv said about him from the beginning, and slowly more and more people are starting to see it.

MVP is heading the same way, but has much more ability. not sure what it is with him, laziness/lack of motivation or what, but he needs to step his arse back up.

Also overrated, old school ECW.....yeah I said it.

OH yeah, Welcome back.

Overrated???????????? (By fans not the WWE) Abduct
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Wrestling God
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Overrated???????????? (By fans not the WWE) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Overrated???????????? (By fans not the WWE)   Overrated???????????? (By fans not the WWE) EmptyThu Jul 17, 2008 6:19 pm

Cheers mate

Old School ECW is overrated!

I have never been a big fan of Kennedy, think I wrote an article on it way back last year on 6060606060606060606060606

MVP is going the same way but he has th eability charisma and the character I think to raise the bar again, something I don't think mistaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa boring does
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Overrated???????????? (By fans not the WWE) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Overrated???????????? (By fans not the WWE)   Overrated???????????? (By fans not the WWE) EmptyThu Jul 17, 2008 6:20 pm

Like your Ronnie picture, must be hard living off a £100k per week

Get on and send all donations to Sepp's Ronaldo fund
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bazz23-v2 ®™
Wrestling God
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Overrated???????????? (By fans not the WWE) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Overrated???????????? (By fans not the WWE)   Overrated???????????? (By fans not the WWE) EmptyThu Jul 17, 2008 6:25 pm

United fans flooded that place with emails, asking why he still has a job, god I hate that guy.

Topic: I think MVP still has it in him as well, he needs to step it up again soon though, or he will be stuck in mid-card forever.
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Overrated???????????? (By fans not the WWE) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Overrated???????????? (By fans not the WWE)   Overrated???????????? (By fans not the WWE) EmptyThu Jul 17, 2008 6:26 pm

doesn't MVP have like, a heart condition or something though?
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Wrestling God
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PostSubject: Re: Overrated???????????? (By fans not the WWE)   Overrated???????????? (By fans not the WWE) EmptyThu Jul 17, 2008 6:34 pm

Nope, he did have some kind of heart defect however it was announced not that long ago that its 100% cleared up and he is 100% healthy, which probably means the bell will be tolling around 10 times now soon since I have jinxed him!

I agree Bazz, he needs to step up, but I think that has as much to do with the writers as it does him, I think he was all set to move to RAW in the draft, thats why he was kept off TV for so long as well leading up to the draft but now he has a brilliant mid to uppercard to work with so hopefully the right push is not to far away!
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bazz23-v2 ®™
Wrestling God
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Overrated???????????? (By fans not the WWE) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Overrated???????????? (By fans not the WWE)   Overrated???????????? (By fans not the WWE) EmptyThu Jul 17, 2008 6:39 pm

Though of another one................ OWEN HART!

Don't get me wrong, good in the ring and "could" of been world champ some day, but because he died young he's given this god like status(OK that's ott, but you get the point) of being one of the best ever, when in "reality", well, he just wasn't.
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Overrated???????????? (By fans not the WWE) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Overrated???????????? (By fans not the WWE)   Overrated???????????? (By fans not the WWE) EmptyThu Jul 17, 2008 6:40 pm

Il have a look see if I can get some decent ROH with Punk in, it does sound good dont get me wrong, and that promo was good Leak, like that at the end "Im not the Animal, Im not Batista, Im not John Cena or the Heart Break Kid Shawn Micheals, Im CM Punk!" YEaH BEATCH!

MVP did have a minor heart condition but he's alright now I think. It coulda been nasty but the wellness policy caught it early.

EDIT: What Gaffer said...
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King Macca
King Macca

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Overrated???????????? (By fans not the WWE) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Overrated???????????? (By fans not the WWE)   Overrated???????????? (By fans not the WWE) EmptyThu Jul 17, 2008 6:43 pm

for me I'm split between two.

RVD: He was crap on the mic, sloppy in the ring, didnt get him at all.

Benoit: Boring as hell both in and out of the ring.
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King Macca
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Overrated???????????? (By fans not the WWE) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Overrated???????????? (By fans not the WWE)   Overrated???????????? (By fans not the WWE) EmptyThu Jul 17, 2008 6:45 pm

On Bazz's train of thought I'd also say Eddie Guerrero.
Some guys are bordering on Princess Di weeping over him. He was higher mid card at best.

I actually prefer to watch Vickie
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Wrestling God
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Overrated???????????? (By fans not the WWE) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Overrated???????????? (By fans not the WWE)   Overrated???????????? (By fans not the WWE) EmptyThu Jul 17, 2008 6:50 pm

Was never a big fan of Guerrero although he was a pretty good standard and a lot better than guys who had also held the world titles in the last few years!

I think he has some kind of God like status among the fans though!

I know what Bazz is getting at, I suppose with Owen though the fact he died in the ring and not as a result of a drink or drugs addiction and he was the all loving family guy helps in the praise he gets as well.

I liked Owen and thought he could have been a world champ although I think his time had passed by the time he died, he should have beat Bret at Survivor Series 94 instead of Backlund, but that I believe was only done to get the title to Diesel without Hart actually jobbing to Big Daddy Cool in the first place
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Overrated???????????? (By fans not the WWE) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Overrated???????????? (By fans not the WWE)   Overrated???????????? (By fans not the WWE) EmptyThu Jul 17, 2008 7:20 pm

MaFish1 wrote:
I have seen abit of ROH from like a year ago, and a few from 2003, barely any Punk though. Im guessing he would be gold as a heel, abit like Cody Rhodes, a shit face IMO, but has been good as a heel so far.

I was reading one of those stories Doom posted about what if's, the one where Punk was gonna bring the ROH title to WWE was great, still gotta finish it yet but, great so far. His promoing is good, not the best, but it's good, but this rep he build had me thinking he was another Homicide, or another Low-Ki, but I dunno, the in ring part didn't seem to spectacular, especially for a guy from ROH. I haven't seen much Punk from when he was on ECW either, so I think abit more Puunk viewage and it may change my mind, but I doubt Il ever be a big Punk fan.

i just read that myself. It's pretty good.

Honestly, i feel carlito's pretty overrated. I dont see anything in him, and idk if i'm alone in that or what.
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Wrestling God
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Overrated???????????? (By fans not the WWE) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Overrated???????????? (By fans not the WWE)   Overrated???????????? (By fans not the WWE) EmptyThu Jul 17, 2008 9:59 pm

Your not alone, although many are beginning to look at him as a lazy worker now so maybe he is not that overrated anymore, I do actually think he is better than what his role has been lately but he will never be anything more than a good mid carder in my opinion
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Overrated???????????? (By fans not the WWE) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Overrated???????????? (By fans not the WWE)   Overrated???????????? (By fans not the WWE) EmptyThu Jul 17, 2008 10:14 pm

aye, i dont think anyone has ever said, that carlito is world champion material, but in a midcard where there is barely any tagging he could be one of the most entertaining there, for a few reasons. Its what wwe should look into

we dont get the blinding tag matches holding the shows up, so getting the mid carders to have singles storylines and rivalries that can cross over with others on the show would be good for all involved.
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Overrated???????????? (By fans not the WWE) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Overrated???????????? (By fans not the WWE)   Overrated???????????? (By fans not the WWE) EmptyFri Jul 18, 2008 12:42 am

bazz23-v2 ®™ wrote:

Also overrated, old school ECW.....yeah I said it.

couldnt agree more.

i remember when i got pillaged for saying that, and then said that the new ECW is better than it was coz it has more exposure and generates more income. that pissed a few people off lol
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Overrated???????????? (By fans not the WWE) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Overrated???????????? (By fans not the WWE)   Overrated???????????? (By fans not the WWE) EmptyFri Jul 18, 2008 12:46 am

Half the people that harp on about ECW being better back in the day haven't got a clue about it, they just find it one of them "cool" wrestling things to say that'll make them sound knowledgeable. I liked some matches from ECW but it was definitely more of a live thing they had going. Now, it's just a decent wrestling programme, nothing at all to do with the original stuff. It's a different product, so people need to stop comparing them.
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bazz23-v2 ®™
Wrestling God
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Overrated???????????? (By fans not the WWE) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Overrated???????????? (By fans not the WWE)   Overrated???????????? (By fans not the WWE) EmptyFri Jul 18, 2008 3:32 pm

What really pisses me off is "Vince is destroying TEH LEGACYYY!!!!!!!!!!" talk.

No Heyman did that by making the company go bust.

Also the people who say that WWECW shouldn't be called ECW, why not? Vince bought the rights to it and can do what he likes.
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Overrated???????????? (By fans not the WWE) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Overrated???????????? (By fans not the WWE)   Overrated???????????? (By fans not the WWE) EmptyFri Jul 18, 2008 3:39 pm

you think the match at GAB will end up NO dq and dreamer could win? Laughing

thatd shut em up for a while. Especially if it was extreme.

people who liked the old ecw though dont really like wrestling entertainment, so they shouldnt bother watching and just shut up. Im sure proper ecw fans didnt also go and cheer for the wwe so the people complainging now are just wwe fans who want hardcore matches.
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bazz23-v2 ®™
Wrestling God
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Overrated???????????? (By fans not the WWE) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Overrated???????????? (By fans not the WWE)   Overrated???????????? (By fans not the WWE) EmptyFri Jul 18, 2008 3:56 pm

Honestly I couldn't care less about dreamer/Henry, whether its a hardcore match or not, both guys bore me in and out of the ring.
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