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 Idea for the next big storyline....

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4 posters
Marty McFry
Wrestling God
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Marty McFry

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Idea for the next big storyline.... Empty
PostSubject: Idea for the next big storyline....   Idea for the next big storyline.... EmptySat Jun 21, 2008 1:27 pm

Very board at work.

In the week following the end of the Million Dollar Mania Vince McMahon recieves a letter inviting him to a meeting with the WWE Board of directors, Shareholders,investors & sponsors.
Vince makes it clear earlier in the show that MDM was a massive success and that it increased the audience by "sometimes in the region of 3% at it's peak (put this across in a deluded manner), it was his brainchild then say's that if the board want an audience with him then they will have to do it Live next monday on Raw -another 1st, he can build this up as ' a once in a lifetime opportunity to see how WWE works on the inside'
He is later shown talking to various backstage people about how the board probably want to see him to congratulate him on his ideas and his running of Raw in the absense of a fulltime GM - Maybe they'll tell him to give himself a payrise ect - he basically acts very confidant that the meeting is to praise him.

We are shown a backstage meeting room that is empty but set up for the meeting.

During the meeting the Boards representative make it clear that William Regal was a poor pick for GM and Vince was right to see to it he was removed, they go on to say that in the weeks following his removal the running of Monday Night Raw was actually worse,MDM stank and they would like to offer Vince the chance to voluntarily relinquish control of the Raw broadcast and appoint a GM - They also say they would like Vince to limit his 'on-air' input into the show - he questions 'define limit' they say they dont want him on air or have any control over matches etc......
Vince asks "so your basically asking me to fire myself" they say they wouldn't put it like that but yes.
The board make it clear that if Vince isn't happy with that they will take it down the 'vote of no confidence' route and have him removed.
Vince asks for time to appoint a replacement - he makes the point that he is extremely angry at this.


Backtage Vince is shown talking with various people about his pick as his replacement, how it wont be a yes man ect.....we see that the board have sent a representative to make sure Vince follows orders.
In one skit we see Triple H ask why he wasn't considered to run the show - Vince answers that he didnt ask him because he hates him, and besides, he has no previous experiance of putting together a wrestling show - HHH answers that thats true, didn't want the resposibility anyway. (a nod to his internet rep)

Towards the middle of the show Vince comes to the ring and introduces his replacement - Shane McMahon comes out but before Vince can make the introduction the Representative comes out and says the board have a strict criteria - no family - no friends - no allies - must be someone with the business in his blood who wont be a McMahon puppet.
Vince is livid and makes that clear - asks for one more week to make an appointment, the representative say they have a choice and if vince does'nt make the right choice they will make it for him.

WEEK 4. Vince comes out and says he has made his choice - his choice is VINCE MCMAHON JUNIOR....rants that he is the only person able to run the show, the only person who knows what fans want and the only person with the ability to give them it.
Representative comes out and says that they feared this would be how it went down and they have no choice but to ask him to leave the ring as they are passing a motion of no confidance and they have the new Raw GM in the building.

Vince is removed from the building.

During the main event, say HHH & HBK & CENA V Y2J JBL & CADE it all kicks off and the heels are disqualified but they continue a beat down and even assault a couple of refs and agents, no control.
Out comes...........

Hulk Hogan.

Over the weeks Hogan goes from bringing order to bringing in the likes of DDP and other non-contracted 'friends' and giving them matches turning Hogan heel, it should then be revealed that Hogan believes he built the wwe and he can do what he wants. this should eventaully lead to Shane McMahon coming out and publicly asking for Vince to return and restore order - says he has the full backing of the board to ask vince return and they admit they made an error of judgement in bringing Hogan in - Hogan and his allies (to be decided who) beat Shane down.

This leads to Vince coming back and having a hard time recruiting anyone to face hogan and his allies but he does manager it leading to a PPV match for ownership much like the Invasion PPV main event.
this could push the likes of MVP, Kennedy ect as opposed to the usual main event faces making it basically a main event storyline featuring mainly talent on the verge of the main event.

What do you think?
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rock from niceboard

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Idea for the next big storyline.... Empty
PostSubject: Re: Idea for the next big storyline....   Idea for the next big storyline.... EmptySat Jun 21, 2008 1:50 pm

I think this is a great idea, you manage to get Vince off screen for a while, get a new GM for RAW and give the people of the verge of breaking into the main event big pushes. I also liked the Triple H joke about having no experience of running a wrestling show.

However, I don't think WWE will admit that MDM sucks and I don't think you will see a board of directors meeting even if it is fake. I also don't think that Hogan should be the new GM, I think it should be Flair or Foley. Anyway, apart from that, I really like this idea although I doubt it will go ahead. I think MDM will carry on for quite a while.
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Idea for the next big storyline.... Empty
PostSubject: Re: Idea for the next big storyline....   Idea for the next big storyline.... EmptySat Jun 21, 2008 2:38 pm

Great article Marty.

If something like this actually happend it could have the potential to be just as good as the invasion storyline, unfortunatly i doubt anything this good would happen, unless TNA pose a real threat to WWE, this is the kinda storyline i wanna see, not the same old shit week in week out
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Wrestling God
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Idea for the next big storyline.... Empty
PostSubject: Re: Idea for the next big storyline....   Idea for the next big storyline.... EmptyMon Jun 23, 2008 8:57 pm

Fantastic read!

Unfortunately it has nearly depressed me, this is the kind of quality story telling that the guys in the fancy offices and earning the big bucks should be giving us, very well put together mate

This would have the potential to be absolutely huge
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Idea for the next big storyline.... Empty
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