My brother was doing some research as hes planning on getting a sky box but cba pay the monthly fees etc.
and hes found a few ways, some of which i didnt quite remember. But one for free box office i think i did.
You go onto the channel, say for a wrsetling ppv like summerslam.
it says enter pin etc, You then unplug the phone line, and type in your pin.
The box thinks uh oh cant get through to sky and lets u have it, assuming when it can conect ul be charged.
When its over turn everything off at the wall for 5 mins and it forgets you watched the PPV. The your free to plug in your phone line again.
(worst that could happen is it will charge you for an event you watch, best you get it free)
im pretty sure thats what he said. There was also somthing about a secret menu that you can access (for sky men to test things) where you can alter the contact number so it tries to ring sky, but just gets the wrong line.
so yeh, if anyone comes across cheeky methods for free sky or PPVs heres the place.
enjoy, if it works