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 Ze Bistro!

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PostSubject: Ze Bistro!   Ze Bistro! EmptyFri Feb 05, 2010 7:08 pm

“Les Demons de minuits” Hits and out comes Dubois looking sharp wearing jeans a cool typical French stripped top.
JD: Bonsoir mes amis welcome to another thrilling exhibition of ze show dat everybody wants to get on! Ze show dat has been 6WF ratings because yours truly is ze host! Tonight we have a new crowned champion a man who iz in my view on ze wrong side of ze track (6CW). Zis man Recently won ze 6CW heavyweight title! Ladies and Gentleman ze Auzzie man himself Max Andairson!
Dubois wips out a didgeridoo and begins to play it as Max Adamson is in street clothes and wearing his newly acquired 6CW Title.
MA: Nice skill that Dubois.
JD: What can I say I am multi-cultured. I am a highly intelligent sophisticated bean.
Marcel accidently trips and knocks into a button the plays didgeridoo sound.
MA: so much for the culture and intelligence!
JD: ……
MA: Just playing with you Dubois good to be hear!
JD: Yes well I feel ze standard of ze show has slipped seeing dat we have a convict ere…
MA: Got a problem Dubois?
JD: I know ze istory of Australia mon ami I did me research!
MA: Well you see how much the English screwed us over mate!
JD: Pfff Kangoroo freak! But congrats on your title win.
MA: Kangaroo what now? haha Thanks Dubois much appreciate it!
JD: Let’s get zis show on ze Road! How did ze Auz man get into wrestling?
Max: Well Dubs, can I call you Dubs? Ta... I got into wrestling through my family, we'd always have these matches, my brothers and sisters are really into violence, and as the youngest I was raised in that hellhole. I watched too much wrestling as a kid, I was expelled age 14 for hitting my Science teacher over the head with a plastic chair! But it wasn't until I got into High School that my Amateur Wrestling blossomed, and because I used to go by what was on the TV as my guide, I was often disqualified from School events due to shouting abuse at opponents and referee's, the use of chairs and low blows, that sort of thing, so my instructor advised I joined the WAWF, Western Australia Wrestling Federation, where Max Adamson debuted under the moniker of "Professor Maxwell".
JD: Nice nice. Not ze same as Dubois but hey everyone has zere own way! I had a fat check from papa cheri. He told me I needed to change ze world get rid of ze English pigs. Teach dese losers idiot, parasite something about sophistication, intelligence, integrity, and respect! Something dat no one in ze 6WF company know about!
MA: Luckerly for me I am not in the 6WF then mate!
JD: Indeed mon ami. Tell us a little bit about Max Adairson!
MA: Anderson*, well born to two drunken, abusive, constantly divorcing them working it out parents, I liked to keep myself to myself and do my very best to avoid being beaten up by my older brothers, who often tried out their favorite Wrestling moves on me, one particular move was the Cobra Clutch, which my brother Simon kept applied for about 3 hours, apparently...

JD: Well you shouldn’t be surpised I mean your parents are descendent of rejects of already zis poor decrepit country so imagine how dat makes ze Australian on my culture scale! Dubois pity’s you I tink you should hand over dat 6CW title to me so I can teach you ze ways of a man of culture!
MA: Dubs I think I would much rather shove my head in a croc mouth while prodding his throat with stick than learn anything from you at least the pain will be over with relatively quickly! And then I could grab a good Fosters with my mate good old Steve Irwin.
JD: Steve who?
MA: Steve Irwin mate greatest animal man that has ever lived mate and he came from the same wonderful country as me!
JD: Never heard of him… But I am sure Johnny Halliday is better!
MA: Who?
JD: Ze legend Monsieur Halliday!
MA: Aaaa yes the man who has had soo many face lifts you can’t tell whether he is crying or laughing!
JD: How dare you speak of a true legend of France! He will strike you down for your comments!
MA: Like to see that mate!
JD: Pfff Why do I always end up with arguments with people of zis show?
MA: Ever thought that you might be an ass?
JD: Non. Why would say that?
JD: Moving on zen. Tell us something we wouldn't know about Max.
Max: I am the youngest of 17 children, and I studied Art and Media Studies at College in Perth before dropping out 2 weeks before the final exams to fool around and wrestle my brothers.

JD: Wasn’t dat a bit stupide non?
MA: Well look at the camera shots Dubs who is a champion here?

MA: jackass
JD: …… How do you think your wrestling career has gone?

Max: I think it's gone pretty well, i'm the only ever Australian Champion, a title that has never left me since I was crowned it's holder at the end of 2008, i'm a former 6WF European Champion, a title I held for several months, former 6WF Tag Team Champion famously at Born in Fire, when me and Prodigy completely stunned the 6WF and of course Mike Hill and Rock V2! And of course i'm the new 6CW Heavyweight Champion!

JD: Well what has been your favorite match other dan being eliminated by ze sensational one Jerome Dubois at trashdown!

Max: Got lucky Dubs won’t ever happen and anyway there's many I could go with, any match that Max Adamson wins! My debut when I destroyed 6WF's cult hero Rasta, making my statement, my first ever Born in Fire match where I was the remaining survivor for my team in a 4 on 4 match, my numerous European Title defenses, and up until last weekend my answer would have been the phenomenal Ladder match between myself and Snake Eyes over the European and Australian Titles, surpassed only by my match last Sunday which saw me crowned 6CW Heavyweight Champion! My first World Title, but definitely not my last.
JD: I have ze feeling if you gave me a shot den it would be ze shortest reign in 6CW history!
MA: What is with all the hate tonight Dubs?

JD: Rating Max……ratings…
MA: aaaaaaahhhhh!
JD: What has been your favorite feud.
Max: At the time, this feud was infuriating, but looking back there were many incredible twists and turns, not to mention the culmination where I successfully defended my European Championship against this man, he's a good mentor now but back then we detested each other, Hobo!
JD: Hobo hahahahaha. Hobo iz a joke. A sorry excuse of a human bean. You could smell the grotesck stench of un-washed body parts which ultimately caused him to beat me. I could handle wrestling a man who has one bath a year! I am a man of culture dam it I do not mix with ze rif raf!
MA: Hey mate Hobo is a 6WF legend and deserved everything he got! He beat you because he is better than you!
JD: Sacre blue non! I would make an open challenge for Hobo to go one on one with me and you know what I bet he won’t respond!
MA: he retired mate…
JD: Me point exactly non! But once again who is your biggest Rival other dan Dubois as I am not in 6CW!

Max: There is only one, the whiney one, 6WF's Tiny Tim, Mike "Am I boring you yet?" Hill. Mike and I go back a long way, to making our debuts around the same time, going full circle a year later when myself and Prodigy beat him and Rock V2 to become 6WF Tag Team Champions, to the other week at Betrayal where he fluked a roll up win, we still absolutely hate each other, and as i've proved time and time again, I can beat Mike Hill up, I can hurt him, but I can never shake the little runt off my leg!
JD: You run faster than a fat man at KFC from the 6WF as you failed as a wrestler and went to ze lower leagues of 6CW? What do you think of his time in 6CW?

Max: Let me clear this up Dubs. I did not run from anything! Max Anderson doesn’t run away when the chips are down no no no no! I went to 6CW for an opportunity and well here's the proof, right? I'm the 6CW Heavyweight Champion! People said it was the wrong decision, that I should've crawled back to River Ace and come back to 6WF, but I knew joining 6CW was the right decision, and I am part of a company that gives opportunities without prejudice, I am the first non 6CW Original to hold this coveted prize, something that many in 6CW still don't agree with, but the fact is, I was given my opportunity to become World Champion, and I did it!

JD: It was known ze problems between you and River Ace. What is ze reason for leaving 6WF?

Max: The backstage politics, the sniping, the lack of opportunities maybe? The full reasons, hell, even I don't know them all, but the opportunity came up to leave 6WF and become a full part of 6wE, as it's General Manager. Would I have done things differently now? Probably. But do I regret any of it? Not in the slightest!

JD: Some people might not know you left and created your own company with a couple of other people. What did you think of your time in 6WE?

Max: Our short time as 6wE was still a great way of finding out for ourselves what it was like to be on the other side, Jackson Winters was spending his money poaching stars from 6CW and 6WF, we were also giving guys a chance who'd never been a part of either brand, guys like Johnny Cando, Steve Sharona, Clement Oedipus, they got their break in 6wE, Oedipus came across to 6CW after the buyout, Sharona retired knowing he'd lived his dream of being a Professional Wrestler for about 4 weeks, and Johnny Cando went on to, well, two out of three have a known whereabouts!

But in our 3 weeks at the top, 6wE had higher ratings than 6CW Escalation, higher than both 6WF Shutdown, Meltdown and Lockdown, we had sold out attendances, partly assisted by the tickets on sale very cheaply, but because we dared to dream! But Jackson Winters couldn't sustain the costs, 6CW took offence at our owner's attempted poaching of their stars and did what any successful business has to do, buy out your competition! The rest as they say is history! I must say Dubs, you've opened up a can of worms with these questions...
JD: Well mon ami Dubois asks ze tough question dat people want answers for! But now you are back here in ze 6WF while also being apart of 6CW. How does it feel to return to 6WF TV?

Max: It feels odd, especially after the way we left, ok, so we were immediate bad guys no matter what, because the 6WF fans could never forget how we not only walked out on them when we formed 6wE, but how we were now part of 6CW. I can understand their feelings, it's like seeing your ex out in town with a much better looking partner, there's not a lot you can do other than clutch your memories, 6WF fans and I have had a rollercoaster of a ride, they boo me but deep down, they'd love to love me, they want to cheer Max Adamson, Prodigy and Hero, but their brainwashed minds believe in sticking with 6WF and their loyalties, instead of following obvious greatness.

JD: Now dat you are back ere who he would like to face?

Max: Someone i've never faced before but wouldn't mind facing one on one is TGA, right now he's a bit of an idiot, a complete tool, but back in the day he was the man. The 6WF Champion, back when it meant something, TGA was unbeatable, but something went wrong, he let his crown slip, he got complacent, he got beat by Crime Lord and was never the same man, this imposter who's returned might claim to be the same guy, but you look at his performances since returning! I'd give Finlay a good chance of beating TGA, if only he hung around longer than 10 minutes to find out...

JD: I have a huge list of people who hate me due to their Jealousy and envy people like JJK Johnson, Tyson Armstrong, Abe Abecorn, and so one who is ze person you hates the most? Please tell me not me I need some sort of love!

Max: I beg your pardon Dubs I don’t swing that way but well, i've gone on about how much I hate Mike Hill, he is my biggest rival, but there is one person who I genuinely hate more than Mike Hill, this man has caused me nothing but bother in my career, he is a genuine moron, on screen we're on the same side, he's my bodyguard for god's sake, but off screen there is no-one I hate more than Jeff Thaddeus. Seriously. But don't tell him that, because I just put up with him in exchange for the ability to boss him around and bully him!
JD: No sorry me inglish is not so good but I am not eeerrr what you English say….gay? Yes I am not gay I have Clara my sexy French lady and had a one night of joy with Lady Napalm but don’t like the crazy man no!
MA: You and the lady…
JD: Mais oui!
MA: I am scared to ask how it was.
JD: I have scratch marks all over my body… bruising… ended up in ze hospital for 2 nights…
MA: Rough…
JD: Oui… (cough) anyway what has been your favorite moment in your wrestling career to date?

Max: In reverse order, 3rd best moment, winning the 6WF Tag Titles with Prodigy at Born in Fire III, 2nd best moment, standing tall on the 12th March 2009 edition of Lockdown, holding up both the 6WF European and the Australian Titles after beating Snake Eyes in an amazing Ladder Match, and naturally, my finest moment, beating Dicey Reilly at Date with Destiny last weekend to become the NEW 6CW Heavyweight Champion!

JD: Zis is my favorite part of ze show but what do you tink of le phenomene Francais, Ze Sensation of perfection, ze French crusader, JEROME! DUUUUUUUUUUUUBOIS!

Max: You know what? Despite the rivalry between 6CW and 6WF, you're alright! You definitely got screwed over by JJ Johnson in that Tyson fella taking your Internet Title! But the problem is, you made this bed and you had to lie in it, you should've defected to 6CW with the Internet Title, you could have been huge! But instead you left yourself defenseless and look, now you don't hold any titles. Get back on the right path, and you'll get to the top. As long as Max Adamson is out of your way, anyway...

JD: Hahaha mon ami if you and me went one on one we would have a new Cultured 6CW Champion! Dose dis is history first time some compliments Dubois on the show other dan Napalm! Talking about one on one with me, would like to face Dubois?

Max: One day, definitely! We would tear the house down! We went toe to toe in the BMPA Match on Trashdown, and both of us came up short of a World Title match, but I reckon we'll be against each other soon enough as we're both clearly good enough to be pushing the World Champions, it's almost a shame we'd have to face each other... Who knows, next time we've got nothing to do, we can team up maybe? Team Foreigner!
JD: Nononnon Team PHENOMENE! But first I would have to change you a little as you are a little rough around ze edges.
MA: Are you CM punk in disguise?
JD: Nononon CM Punk looks like a un-washed jesus version! But speaking of Jesus I think even he could learn from le phenomene francais Jerome! I mean his father has contacted me and beg me to save his son! So mon ami I will do ze world a favor I teach ze Savior ze ways of culture, sophistication, and intelligence. Because that what makes me better than everyone even you……
MA: Sorry what Dubs are you 6CW champ?
JD: No comment… what is your opinion on Enforcer, Prodigy and Abe?
MA: Sly mate quickly changing the topic but I will respond to your question! Hmm, Enforcer and I, we never saw eye to eye when I started, he was cavorting around with Trash TV, making a general fool of himself, and it's not until he turned on those wastes of space that he began to not only gain respect from the rest of the roster, but also 6WF Title opportunities, and lo and behold, he became 6WF Champion! He also joined 6wE, was settling down well, joined 6CW with the best intentions but between you and me, injuries and also Ice Hockey matches got in between his love of wrestling and apart from his farewell appearance on Trashdown, which tarnished his career I feel, he will not be returning.

Prodigy, nice guy, we didn't see eye to eye at all in 6WF, it wasn't until we were both offered a chance in 6wE that we even worked together, and even then I didn't like him so much, but once we joined forces in 6CW we kind of clicked, we're both cocky, confident of our abilities, great with the fans that respect us, and both utterly Phenomenal!

As for Abe... Well, he's gone back to his old self, but when he had a bit of fight in him, like when he joined the 6wE revolution, he was an extremely likeable guy, his retirement match in 6wE against me was a great match, I beat him, he retired, and in a Ric Flair style, he just gets bored and returns in another company! Extremely disrespectful, and if he and I ever cross paths again in 6WF, next time he will be forced to retire and stay retired.
JD: No need mon money I will take out ze trash. Zat little punk attacks me cost me a championship title and everyone say’s I caused injustice by attacking him mean have I gone crazy or is something no right here?
MA: I hear ya Dubs I hear ya!
JD: Finally someone who see’s clearly
Edge theme song hits.
Music quickly switches off.
JD: Rolalala I feel I am dealing with incompetent people at times…What is your opinion on ze cross brand wars?

Max: 6CW is obviously the superior brand, many will agree and many will disagree, but it will be over soon, and at Survival we will find out whether or not 6CW wins, it's brilliant, if 6CW wins, we own half of 6WF and are truly taking over the Wrestling world, 6wE and 6WF completely emalgamated by 6CW, and I knew back in September that becoming part of 6CW was the right thing. But even if we lose at Survival, 6CW stars will withdraw from 6WF and it will be a draw, 6WF will see it as a win for surviving but 6CW never have, and never will be under threat from 6WF.
JD: Well mon ami I feel like 6CW will win without me in ze team dere is no hope!

JD: Cassius name has propped up again after what happened to Hero people believe it is Cassius behind. What is your opinion on Cassius? Where was he at the time?

Max: To be honest, when Cassius was run over, I was out drinking with a few mates, too drunk to remember all my actions, but not too drunk to not have a clue about what I was doing, I didn't leave the pub! But even if I wasn't accounted for, Cassius and I never really crossed paths, I was one of the few he didn't upset! But if I had to guess who it was, i'd go for JJ Johnson, it seems like the obvious choice, and he's clearly panicking by pretending to be concerned whenever a detective showed up.
JD: Why is it Monsieur Johnson is behind everything to screw wrestlers over!
MA: I truly believe it is his jealousy Dubs.
JD: indeed it maintain Monsieur Johnson fate will be destroyed by ze ands of le phenomena francais Jerome Dubois!

MA: Would be great and who knows you could take over Shutdown!
JD: Mais oui I would get my papa cheri to buy it for me!
MA: Aye then we might actually have a decent show hahaha!
JD: hahaha oui oui oui! What is ze future for Monsieur Anderson?

Max: Who knows?! Max Adamson has achieved plenty to date, but I could never win enough as far as i'm concerned, I want to become the most decorated wrestler in 6WF and 6CW history, an all round Hall of Famer, and my own Prime Time wrestling based TV show when I retire...

JD: Any Final Comments?

Max: Only one, i'm pleasantly surprised by the high quality questioning on Bistro Dubois, the set, the budget and of course, the guest this week, i'd definitely have to say that Bistro Dubois is right up there as the second best show in 6WF's history! Obviously nothing will get close to the success of MJ's Pit, hosted by world renowned TV personality and former 6WF announcer MJ Law, but Bistro Dubois DOES rank higher than the Hobo and MJ Law combined show, The Soup Pit, in terms of rankings, it definitely ranked! But I think we can blame the tramp for that one based on my, er, I mean MJ's credentials... Thanks for your time Dubs-Diddy-Dubs!
JD: Well mon ami on ze Bistro only ze best is expected from it! And I give ze best as I am a refined man who knows how to give ze losers what zey want! But merci monsieur Anderson for coming along! Join in next week as we ave ze Fist oof errr Foon!
MA: Fun*….
JD: Mais oui Foon!
MA : Your right your english isnt very good.

As the show goes off air les demon de minuits plays again
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